Artificial Intelligence has enabled scientists to rapidly sift through and analyze massive collections of images, helping to identify objects worthy of closer study such as supernovae, pulsars, and quasars, and allowing us to classify stars, label galaxies, and other astronomical systems. Stellar classification serves as a cornerstone of astronomy, providing a framework for understanding and characterizing the diversity of celestial objects. This classification is based on the spectral properties. AI algorithms, specifically machine learning and deep learning models, have been designed to learn from data and make predictions or classifications based on patterns and trends. These models of spectral and stellar classification are trained on large datasets of known celestial objects, enabling them to recognize and categorize new objects based on their spectral signatures. Here we present a novel Fine Tunned Deep Convolutional Neural Network of 1D Separable Convolutional blocks for stellar classification based on spectral characteristics using SSDS-17 data captured by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, where the class imbalance is assessed using the SMOTE balancing technique. The results obtained during the performance evaluation confirmed the reliability of the proposed architecture of StellarNet in multi-class stellar classification, obtaining remarkable values of around 97% and 99% for accuracy and AUC score respectively. The proposed StellarNet architecture can be applied to enable real-time classification of captured spectral characteristic data, facilitating automation of the task and providing labeled data for study and future research.