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Physics-informed Neural Networks for the Improvement of Platform Magnetometer Measurements
  • +1
  • Kevin Styp-Rekowski,
  • Ingo Michaelis,
  • Monika Korte,
  • Claudia Stolle
Kevin Styp-Rekowski
TU Berlin

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Ingo Michaelis
GFZ German Research Centre For Geosciences
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Monika Korte
GFZ German Research Center for Geosciences
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Claudia Stolle
Leibniz Institut of Atmospheric Physics at the University of Rostock
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Space-based measurements of the Earth's magnetic field with a good spatiotemporal coverage are needed to understand the complex system of our surrounding geomagnetic field. High-precision magnetic field satellite missions form the backbone for sophisticated research, but they are limited in their coverage. Many satellites carry so-called platform magnetometers that are part of their attitude and orbit control systems. These can be re-calibrated by considering different behaviors of the satellite system, hence reducing their relatively high initial noise originating from their rough calibration. These platform magnetometer data obtained from non-dedicated satellite missions complement the high-precision data by additional coverage in space, time, and magnetic local times. In this work, we present an extension to our previous Machine Learning approach for the automatic in-situ calibration of platform magnetometers. We introduce a new physics-informed layer incorporating the Biot-Savart formula for dipoles that can efficiently correct artificial disturbances due to electric current-induced magnetic fields evoked by the satellite itself. We demonstrate how magnetic dipoles can be co-estimated in a neural network for the calibration of platform magnetometers and thus enhance the Machine Learning-based approach to follow known physical principles. Here we describe the derivation and assessment of re-calibrated datasets for two satellite missions, GOCE and GRACE-FO, which are made publicly available. We achieved a mean residual of about 7 nT and 4 nT for low- and mid-latitudes, respectively.