Gouri Javali

and 1 more

Inclusive leadership behavior is crucial for organizational performance because it fosters innovation, improves decision-making, boosts employee engagement, enhances problem-solving capabilities, and enhances the organization’s reputation. The growing need to understand how inclusive leadership behavior can effectively leverage the organizational performance through inclusion has been the call for this study. This study will try address any existing gaps by exploring the relationship among inclusive leadership behavior and organizational performance, providing insights into the critical role leader’s play in creating inclusive environments and their impact on various performance indicators. The study also focuses at the leaders’ behaviors that foster inclusive leadership and the way they vary from other types of leadership styles. A systematic review of the literature is conducted, focusing on peer-reviewed journals. A total of 64 research papers and articles are carefully analyzed to select those that specifically addresses the relationship among inclusive leadership behavior (ILB) and organizational performance through inclusiveness (OPI). In addition, the study proposes a conceptual framework to demonstrate the link among inclusive leadership behavior and organizational performance through inclusiveness. Lastly, the study provides practical recommendations for organizations and HR’s in formulating HR practices to enhance their performance through inclusive leadership practices.