This research is a desktop research that, looks at the ligament that connects politics of rule of law, human security and state security perspectives in the case of Jacob Zuma. The study looked at various framing and diverging interpretations of Zuma's case by the various sections of South Africa. Some sections of the society especially the Zulus and Malema believed that, Zuma's case is a continuation of apartheid politics and is targeted at the Zulu tribe who were the most vocal during war against Apartheid. From the perspective of the principle of the rule of law the law was applied without fear or favour. Former president Thabo Mbeki was concerned about timing as he believed that there was no urgency in handing inn the arrest warrant. Mbeki projected that, the judgement can result in loss of lives and property. Mbeki believed that, Ramaphosa should not pride himself in succeeding to jail Zuma but should look beyond the act. The study noted the human security dimension where the Zuma case is merely a scapegoat by already agitated general populace. From a security perspective the study noted that, the Bantustan revolution is not far from being imminent. The Zulus have for long been indoctrinating their children and forming regiments to prepare a reclamation of Zulu empire. Even the education in KwaZulu Natal prepares children to pursue the dream of the restoration of the Zulu empire. The role of agitated foreigners and illegal immigrants who crossed to South Africa in anticipation of sustainable livelihoods only to be bothered and subjected to xenophobic attacks. The violence presents an opportunity for them to loot and also to fight for a better South Africa since they do not harbour any prospective of turning to their countries anytime soon, South Africa is now their own country and any developments in the country affects them directly. Since political determination is through the ballot box a key aspect, limited to citizens. Non-citizens regard themselves as both de facto and de jure citizen Streets demos presents an opportunity for the non-voting constituency push for their human security needs. The study in light of the foregoing proposed case scenarios of the likelihood outcomes.