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Angle-Range Estimation in 1-Bit Wideband Nearfield Systems
  • Shrayan Das,
  • Debarati Sen,
  • Emanuele Viterbo
Shrayan Das

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Debarati Sen
Emanuele Viterbo


Next-generation communication systems operating in the mm-Wave and sub-THz bands face high path loss, which can be mitigated by ultra-massive antenna arrays. However, high-resolution quantization in these systems is often impractical, leading to a growing interest in low-resolution, particularly 1-bit ADCs. This letter addresses joint angle and range estimation using 1-bit massive uniform linear arrays (ULA) in wideband near-field systems. We propose a MUSIC-based 1-bit joint angle-range estimation algorithm (JARE-MUSIC) over a near-field tapped-delay line channel model, thus, demonstrating that existing MUSIC-based methods can be adapted for effective wideband near-field localization even under extreme quantization.