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The Effect of the Immunoglobulin G- A- M Treatment on Hepatic Function Tests in Patients with Severe Sepsis
  • ahmet bindal,
  • lütfi yavuz
ahmet bindal
Sanliurfa Egitim ve Arastirma Hastanesi

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lütfi yavuz
Antalya Training and Research Hospital
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Purpose: To explore the effects of conventional sepsis treatment, including classical antibiotherapy and IgG-A-M combinations, on liver function tests in patients with severe sepsis. Material and method: Our study retrospectively examined the effects of Immunoglobulin G-A-M combination (Pentoglobin®) on liver function test and mortality rate in patients who were in the septic process. We administered the Immunoglobulin G-A-M combination infusion lasting 12 hours at a dose of 5mg/kg for three days to the patients we enrolled in the study. We administered this protocol to a total of 70 patients who met the study criteria. Results: Immunoglobulin G-A-M combination therapy had no statistically significant effect on liver function tests and mortality in sepsis. Conclusion: Sepsis is a clinical condition that continues to have a high mortality rate despite advances in treatment modalities. Although anti-infective And anti-inflammatory treatments are used, there is no clear daya on their efficacy.However, early diagnosis of sepsis, early initiation of antibiothearpy, early source control And timely initiation of appropriate fluid therapy play a key role in succsess of sepsis treatment. For this purpose, as emphasized in the sepsis 3 guideline, we think that raising awareness by physicians And practitioners in early diagnosis of sepsis is the Most important step in the treatment of this clinical condition. Keywords: sepsis, liver function tests, immunoglobulin G-A-M