An unusual cause of respiratory distress and airway obstruction in a
neonate with Tuberous Sclerosis
- Aakansha Kumari,
- Sameer Rastogi
, - Aman Chaudhary,
- Adarsh Barwad,
- Atin Kumar

We report a case of a 50-day old infant presenting to us post excision
of a nasopharyngeal mass leading to respiratory distress at birth.
Initial imaging had shown a clival mass and neuroimaging showed findings
suggestive of Tuberous Sclerosis. Histopathology of the excised mass was
suggestive of a chordoma. A rare association between Tuberous Sclerosis
and pediatric chordomas is known to exist and is exemplified by this
case report. We have also discussed the various challenges encountered
during the management of such patients due to the location of these
tumors and difficulty in using radiotherapy at a very young age.