This work proposes a novel combination of behavioural-tracking sensors and immersive virtual reality in a gamified proof-of-concept prototype, which demonstrates affective treatment concepts for hypervigilance symptoms. A number of limitations have been identified in current approaches, prompting more advanced techniques that efficiently target hypervigilance at an individual patient level. In response, we developed a virtual reality first-person shooter that responds to inertial user behaviour in a way that aims to combat detrimental symptoms, proposed as an exploratory investigation into innovative technology and its potential to maximise cognitive behavioural therapy outcomes for hypervigilance treatment. The prototype is evaluated through interactive user studies with 22 participants, gathering a large volume of qualitative data regarding participant experiences and opinions after use. Rigorous thematic analysis finds that participants can independently identify the cognitive behavioural therapy purpose of the intervention without prior knowledge of such intentions, and relate efficacious approaches from the literature to their own experiences. Despite prospective apprehension, themes also demonstrate widespread adherence and acceptance of such approaches to hypervigilance treatment, alongside perceived effectiveness both of experienced outcomes and future potential. These results support the validity of combining such technologies in the context of cognitive behavioural therapy interventions, such that the standard of future interventions may be improved.