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Nature-inspired Metaheuristic Algorithms for Multi-modal Optimization Problems: A Comprehensive Review
  • Hanan Abdulkarim,
  • Tarik A Rashid
Hanan Abdulkarim
Software Engineering Department, Engineering College, University of Salahaddin -Erbil

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Tarik A Rashid
Computer Science and Engineering Department, University of Kurdistan Hewler


Recently, Nature-Inspired Algorithms (NIAs) have received significant attention in the literature reviews and applications. This algorithmic family mimics nature-based processes to tackle complex optimization problems. Many problems in the industry, science, medicine, and engineering are becoming optimization problem challenges. More than 500 algorithms have been proposed till today to tackle specific problems in the different articles. Many researchers call these algorithms novel; these algorithms will be explaining in this study. New taxonomy and classification would be described. It has been found that nature-based algorithms have some problems and time complexity limits that could lead to a new direction for them in the future. This research would be used to study and understand the time complexity and parameter affection the computation time of recently developed nature-based algorithms for multi-modal problems and applications.