We present notable distributional updates for 13 species from western Ecuador (six amphibians amphand seven reptiles). Our findings include the northernmost confirmed sighting of of Pristimantis kuri (Yánez-Muñoz et al. 2016) and the southernmost documented appearance of Imantodes inornatus (Boulenger 1896) and and Lepidoblepharis buchwaldi (Werner 1910). Additionally, we document new records and notes of distribution range of of Agalychnis spurrelli (Boulenger 1913), 1913), Hyloscirtus alytolylax (Duellman 1972), 1972), Engystomops montubio (Ron et al. 2004), 2004), Pristimantis nyctophylax (Lynch 1976), 1976), Pristimantis walkeri (Lynch 1974), 1974), Chironius flavopictus (Werner 1909), 1909), Chironius grandisquamis (Peters 1869), 1869), Dendrophidion graciliverpa (Cadle 2012), 2012), Ninia atrata (Hallowell 1845), and and Urotheca fulviceps (Cope 1886). These observations significantly contribute to filling information gaps in our understanding of these species’ distributions. The data, derived from samples collected across diverse forested areas in the western region of Ecuador (provinces of Cañar, Guayas, El Oro, and Los Rios), provide valuable insights into the ecology and conservation of these species.