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Determination of Adenovirus 5 and 37 seropositivity in obese patients
  • +2
  • Nur Gamze Bostan,
  • Özge Altınok,
  • Halil Alış,
  • Süleyman Büyükaşık,
  • Yaşar Ali Öner
Nur Gamze Bostan
Istanbul Aydin University

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Özge Altınok
Istanbul Aydin University
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Halil Alış
Istanbul Aydin University Faculty of Medicine VM Medical Park Hospital
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Süleyman Büyükaşık
Istanbul Aydin University Faculty of Medicine VM Medical Park Hospital
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Yaşar Ali Öner
Istanbul Aydin University
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Obesity is seen as one of the most important health problems of our age due to its accompanying diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure and cholesterol. It is an epidemic that started in the 1980s and continues worldwide, regardless of the level of development of the countries, and is associated with many factors. In the face of the rapidly increasing prevalence of obesity, it has been thought whether microorganisms can play a role in the formation of obesity. Based on this idea, the concept of ‘infectobesity’ was introduced and studies on this subject have shown that some microorganisms cause obesity in experimental animal models such as mice, chickens and non-human primates. One of the microorganisms thought to cause obesity is Adenoviruses. Especially Adenovirus-36 (Ad36), Adenovirus-5 (Ad5) and Adenovirus-37 (Ad37) serotypes are thought to have effects on fat regulation in the body. There are very few studies investigating the relationship between Ad5 and Ad37 serotypes and obesity in humans. The aim of our study is to increase the research on this subject, to develop a new perspective on the infectious etiology of obesity, and to contribute to the development of new treatment approaches for obesity and obesity-related diseases.