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City divided: Unveiling family ties and genetic structuring of coyotes in Seattle
  • +5
  • Samantha Kreling,
  • Ellen Reese,
  • Olivia Cavalluzzi,
  • Natalee Bozzi,
  • Riley Messinger,
  • Christopher Schell,
  • Robert Long,
  • Laura Prugh
Samantha Kreling
University of Washington

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Ellen Reese
University of Washington
Author Profile
Olivia Cavalluzzi
University of Washington
Author Profile
Natalee Bozzi
University of Washington
Author Profile
Riley Messinger
University of Washington
Author Profile
Christopher Schell
University of California Berkeley
Author Profile
Robert Long
Woodland Park Zoo
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Laura Prugh
University of Washington
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Linear barriers pose significant challenges for wildlife gene flow, impacting species persistence, adaptation, and evolution. While numerous studies have examined the effects of linear barriers (e.g., fences, roadways) on partitioning urban and non-urban areas, understanding their influence on gene flow within cities remains limited. Here, we investigated the impact of linear barriers on coyote (Canis latrans) population structure in Seattle, Washington, where major barriers (i.e., interstate highways and bodies of water) divide the city into distinct quadrants. Notably, private allele analysis underscored limited interbreeding among quadrants. When comparing one quadrant to the next, there were up to 16 private alleles within a single quadrant, representing nearly 22% of the population allelic diversity. Our analysis revealed weak isolation by distance, and despite being a highly mobile species, genetic structuring was apparent between quadrants even with extremely short geographic distance between individual coyotes, implying that Interstate 5 and the Ship Canal act as major barriers. Lack of gene flow may stem from the perceived risk of crossing these barriers, as even despite the presence of structural connectivity features (e.g., bridges and underpasses), functional connectivity may remain limited. Urban areas provide refuge and resources for wildlife but come with tradeoffs, as evidenced by restricted gene flow and potential long-term impacts on population viability and evolution. This study advances our understanding of gene flow and its consequences in cities, a crucial component for bolstering wildlife conservation and management in rapidly urbanizing environments.