Sereyrath Em

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From the beginning until the present day, education has been a significant factor in the Cambodian setting. The current article presents an examination of the origins of education in Cambodia, which dates back to the prehistoric period. Throughout Cambodian history, education has played a variety of meaningful roles. Education played a significant role in shaping the lives of individuals throughout the many eras of Cambodian prehistory and history. In prehistory, children learned by doing and observing the people around them. Education in Cambodia once reached its peak during the Angkor Empire, also known as the Khmer Empire. During that period, there were hundreds of educational institutions located all across the country, including more advanced educational establishments in the city that served as the capital of Angkor. Thousands of instructors were all well-equipped to teach Khmer-speaking students. On the other hand, as the Angkor Empire collapsed, education in Cambodia gradually declined, a trend that persisted until the Khmer Rouge Regime finally eradicated education. During this period, the Khmer Rouge leaders targeted and killed the majority of instructors. Then the Cambodian government and other concerned education stakeholders have been working diligently to rebuild education in Cambodia since the end of that black period, and they have succeeded in doing so to the point where it is now. Finally, the article recommends the concerned education stakeholders consider the past as the experiences for the present and improve the perspectives of future education.

Sereyrath Em

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