Product Colour Variation Management with Artificial Intelligence.
- Sasibhushan Rao Chanthati
This research focuses on the topic of using AI in color variant
management in products to enhance the appeal and performance of the
products in the marketplace, by incorporating artificial intelligence,
deep learning, and neural network systems. Applying consumers and
products information, preferences, buying history and sales history, WE
created AI models to predict and change product colors in real-time. The
complete workflow used comprises data gathering, processing, and feature
extraction, model training, integration of the color adjustment software
tools, and finally, testing and validation. The efficiency of such
AI-driven interventions was analyzed through the consumer satisfaction
indices, the sales results, and the engagement data based on the
consumption of digital platforms. This study demonstrates valuable
potential of AI to improve product design application and development
while providing valuable suggestion for Business adapting and improving
market outcomes according to the changing consumer trends. Such an
application of AI implements a new best practice in the ways of
enhancing futuristic consumer-oriented marketing approaches.Submitted to Journal of Software: Evolution and Process Submission Checks Completed
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