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The Revenge of the P Wave
  • Thomas Kutner,
  • Peter Kowey
Thomas Kutner
Lankenau Medical Center
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Peter Kowey
Lankenau Medical Center

Corresponding Author:[email protected]

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In this review of "P-wave alternans rebound following pulmonary vein isolation predicts atrial arrhythmia recurrence," we examine a study performed by Nearing et al in the use of P-wave morphology, as a predictor of A-Fib recurrence. Patients who underwent pulmonary vein isolation, had pre and post-procedural ecgs performed specifically to monitor P-waves. With the help of artificial intelligence, objective and reproducible findings established the presence of P-wave alternans. This novel technique uses our most ubiquitous test in medicine, as a means to help hone our ability to stratify patient's risk for recurrence of their arrhythmia. And, hopefully, give clinicians a means to individualize the approach to monitor and offer prophylactic treatment to ablation patients, garnering a success level once thought unachievable.