The Revenge of the P Wave
- Thomas Kutner,
- Peter Kowey

In this review of "P-wave alternans rebound following pulmonary vein
isolation predicts atrial arrhythmia recurrence," we examine a study
performed by Nearing et al in the use of P-wave morphology, as a
predictor of A-Fib recurrence. Patients who underwent pulmonary vein
isolation, had pre and post-procedural ecgs performed specifically to
monitor P-waves. With the help of artificial intelligence, objective and
reproducible findings established the presence of P-wave alternans. This
novel technique uses our most ubiquitous test in medicine, as a means to
help hone our ability to stratify patient's risk for recurrence of their
arrhythmia. And, hopefully, give clinicians a means to individualize the
approach to monitor and offer prophylactic treatment to ablation
patients, garnering a success level once thought unachievable.06 Jun 2024Submitted to Journal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology 07 Jun 2024Submission Checks Completed
07 Jun 2024Assigned to Editor
08 Jun 20241st Revision Received
10 Jun 2024Submission Checks Completed
10 Jun 2024Assigned to Editor
10 Jun 2024Editorial Decision: Accept