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Surveillance of hospitalisations with laboratory-confirmed respiratory infections using the national laboratory database, Norway, 2022-2024
  • +2
  • Elina Seppälä,
  • Nina Therese Aasand,
  • Margrethe Larsdatter Storm,
  • Pascale Renée Cyr,
  • Trine Hessevik Paulsen
Elina Seppälä

Corresponding Author:[email protected]

Author Profile
Nina Therese Aasand
Author Profile
Margrethe Larsdatter Storm
Author Profile
Pascale Renée Cyr
Author Profile
Trine Hessevik Paulsen
Author Profile


Including samples for ten respiratory pathogens, we studied whether hospitalisations with laboratory-confirmed respiratory infections could be monitored using the Norwegian national laboratory database. We used requisitioner information to define samples as obtained from hospitalised or non-hospitalised patients and assessed the performance against the Norwegian Patient Registry. With sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive value of 93%, 84%, 86% and 92%, respectively, the trends of weekly number of samples positive for SARS-CoV-2, influenza virus and respiratory syncytial virus were similar to those of admissions in the Norwegian surveillance of severe acute respiratory infections. When linkage of microbiological data with clinical information is not possible, trends of hospitalisations with respiratory infections can be monitored using the Norwegian laboratory database alone.