Selection on a single locus drives plumage differentiation in a
Patagonian subspecies of the Rufous-collared Sparrow (Zonotrichia
The Rufous-collared Sparrow (Zonotrichia capensis) shows
phenotypic and behavioural variation throughout its continental
distribution. In particular, the Patagonian subspecies Z. c.
australis is strikingly distinct from other subspecies, lacking the
black crown stripes that characterize the species, with a uniformly grey
head or one with only subtle traces of black, and overall paler plumage.
We sequenced whole genomes of 18 individuals (nine Z. c.
australis and nine from other subspecies from northern Argentina) to
explore the genomic basis of these colour differences and to investigate
how they may have evolved. We detected a single ~465-kb
divergence peak on chromosome 5 that contrasted with a background of low
genomic differentiation and contains the ST5 gene. ST5 regulates RAB9A,
which is required for melanosome biogenesis and melanocyte pigmentation
in mammals, making it a strong candidate gene for the melanic plumage
polymorphism within Z. capensis. This genomic island of
differentiation may have emerged because of selection acting on
allopatric populations. Concordantly, mitochondrial DNA indicated that
Z. c. australis diverged from other subspecies
~400,000 years ago, probably as a consequence of
Pleistocene glaciations. Phenotypic differences are consistent with
Gloger’s rule, which predicts lighter coloured individuals in colder and
drier climates like that of Patagonia. Future studies should focus on a
contact zone in northern Patagonia where individuals show intermediate
colour patterning, most likely as a result of gene flow between
subspecies, to test whether colour differences are promoting the early
speciation of Z. c. australis through assortative mating.