Assessing Bone Regeneration with T-PRF and L-PRF: A Micro-CT Study
, - Gürkan ÜNSAL,
- Hümeyra Arıkan Kocaelli,
- Kaan Orhan
, - Fatma Beyza Sağ
Gürkan ÜNSAL
Western University Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry
Author ProfileHümeyra Arıkan Kocaelli
Istanbul Universitesi Dis Hekimligi Fakultesi
Author ProfileFatma Beyza Sağ
Istanbul Universitesi Istanbul Tip Fakultesi
Author ProfileAbstract
Aim/Purpose: This study aims to compare the efficacy of locally applied
Titanium-Platelet Rich Fibrin (T-PRF) and Leukocyte-Platelet Rich Fibrin
(L-PRF) in bone defect healing using micro-CT analysis and
histopathological examination in rabbit models. Materials and Methods:
Eight healthy male New Zealand rabbits, aged 4-6 months, were utilized.
Circular bicortical defects (6 mm diameter) were created at three areas
in each rabbit. One of the defects was chosen as the control group
received saline solution, while T-PRF and L-PRF were applied to the
defect sites in separate experimental groups. Bone regeneration was
analyzed using high-resolution micro-CT and histological evaluation
post-sacrifice. Statistical analysis assessed the significance of
observed differences. Results: Micro-CT analysis revealed significant
differences among the groups in bone volume, trabecular thickness,
trabecular number, connectivity, and connectivity density
(p<0.05). Both T-PRF and L-PRF groups exhibited superior bone
parameters compared to controls, with L-PRF showing higher values.
Trabecular separation and bone surface area to bone volume ratio did not
differ significantly among the groups (p>0.05). Histological
examination indicated advanced healing stages in the L-PRF group,
suggesting both T-PRF and L-PRF contribute to bone regeneration, with
L-PRF demonstrating better effects. Conclusion: The study concludes that
while both T-PRF and L-PRF aid in bone regeneration, L-PRF shows
superior efficacy. L-PRF is recommended for bone defect healing due to
its better performance in enhancing bone parameters.08 Aug 2024Submitted to Microscopy Research and Technique 19 Aug 2024Submission Checks Completed
19 Aug 2024Assigned to Editor
29 Sep 2024Review(s) Completed, Editorial Evaluation Pending
09 Oct 2024Reviewer(s) Assigned
25 Oct 2024Editorial Decision: Revise Minor
14 Dec 20241st Revision Received
16 Dec 2024Assigned to Editor
16 Dec 2024Submission Checks Completed
16 Dec 2024Review(s) Completed, Editorial Evaluation Pending
24 Dec 2024Reviewer(s) Assigned
12 Feb 2025Editorial Decision: Accept