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Maternal androgens in dominant meerkats (Suricata suricatta) reduce juvenile offspring health and survivorship
  • +2
  • Kendra Smyth,
  • Nicholas Caruso,
  • Alexandra Stonehill,
  • Tim Clutton-Brock,
  • Christine Drea
Kendra Smyth
Duke University
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Nicholas Caruso
University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa
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Alexandra Stonehill
Duke University
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Tim Clutton-Brock
University of Cambridge
Author Profile
Christine Drea
Duke University

Corresponding Author:[email protected]

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1. In oviparous vertebrates, maternal androgens can alter offspring immune function, particularly early in development, but the potential for negative health effects of maternal androgens in mammals remains unclear. 2. We investigated the relation between maternal androgens, particularly in late gestation, and offspring health in the meerkat (Suricata suricatta) by comparing offspring from (a) normative dominant and subordinate matrilines, whose dams naturally express high versus lower circulating androgen concentrations, respectively, and (b) normative dominant and antiandrogen-treated dominant matrilines, whose dams’ androgen function was intact versus blocked owing to experimental antagonism of the latter’s androgen receptors (using Flutamide©). Foetal offspring thus experienced three different endocrine environments (‘high,’ ‘lower,’ ‘blocked’ androgens) late in prenatal development. We assessed parasitism, immune function, steroid concentrations and survivorship in these three offspring groups, both during juvenility and early adulthood. 3. The juvenile offspring of subordinate control and dominant treated dams generally had lower intensities of parasite infections and greater immune function than did their peers from dominant control dams – patterns not found in adult offspring, nor in relation to the offspring’s concurrent hormone concentrations. Survivorship to adulthood was greatest in the progeny of treated dams. 4. Descendants of dominant female meerkats – those in the ‘high’ prenatal androgen category – suffered increased parasitism and decreased immunocompetence as juveniles, as well as reduced survivorship relative to antiandrogen-exposed peers, providing evidence in mammals that maternal androgens can negatively impact offspring health and survival. These intergenerational, androgen-mediated, health effects represent early costs imposed by female intrasexual competition and its associated selection pressures.
05 Sep 2024Submitted to Ecology and Evolution
06 Sep 2024Submission Checks Completed
06 Sep 2024Assigned to Editor
10 Sep 2024Reviewer(s) Assigned
30 Sep 2024Review(s) Completed, Editorial Evaluation Pending
01 Oct 2024Editorial Decision: Revise Minor