Multiscale Analysis Of Sediment Dynamics Associated With Reservoir
Flushing Operations
- Tulio Soto Parra,
- Giulia Stradiotti,
- Sebastiano Piccolroaz,
- Giuseppe Roberto Pisaturo,
- David Farò,
- Maurizio Righetti,
- Luigi Fraccarollo ,
- Guido Zolezzi
Tulio Soto Parra
Universita degli Studi di Trento Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile Ambientale e Meccanica
Corresponding Author:[email protected]
Author ProfileSebastiano Piccolroaz
Universita degli Studi di Trento Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile Ambientale e Meccanica
Author ProfileGiuseppe Roberto Pisaturo
Libera Universita di Bolzano Facolta di Ingenieria
Author ProfileDavid Farò
Universita degli Studi di Trento Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile Ambientale e Meccanica
Author ProfileLuigi Fraccarollo
Universita degli Studi di Trento Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile Ambientale e Meccanica
Author ProfileGuido Zolezzi
Universita degli Studi di Trento Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile Ambientale e Meccanica
Author ProfileAbstract
The ecological effects of sediment flushings from artificial reservoirs
have been widely documented, but the underlying sediment dynamics are
less known. We investigated sediment dynamics associated with a long
flushing event divided into two periods (2 and 1 week) in an Alpine
river, each followed by a clear water release (“washing”) from the
reservoir. Suspended sediment dynamics were investigated at the event
and annual time scale, and at the river segment (~1000
channel widths) and reach (~100 channel widths or less)
spatial scales. Analysis of suspended sediment concentration (SSC) and
streamflow time series from 5 in-situ calibrated optical turbidity
sensors reveals a downstream decrease in the total passing sediment
fluxes, a spatial trend that is paralleled by the theoretical suspended
sediment transport capacity, allowing for the estimation of the
deposited fine sediment volume in different reaches. Washing events
result in variable effects among reaches, with some experiencing net
sediment entrainment and others net deposition. Out of 16 quantified
sediment fluxes, 5 were statistically significant with p<0.05,
with an average uncertainty of 23\% in fine sediment flux
quantification. Georeferenced analysis of colored gravel-cobble plots
before and after the two flushing events revealed partial reach-scale
mobility of the coarse bed surface material, particularly in the
geomorphic units located at lower elevations and more exposed to higher
flows (edges of side bars nearby riffles or rapids), while local fine
sediment deposition was observed at less exposed units, as side channels
or point bars in river bends. Grain size distributions of surface
sediments taken in the same locations before and 1 month after the
flushing reveal a clear shift towards a finer sediment composition,
which is partially retrieved also 1 year after the event. Event-averaged
SSC values during the flushing are considerably higher compared to
natural flood events in such a regulated river, with SSC-streamflow
relations being highly irregular and event-dependent, especially during
the flushing. The work shows the relevance of multi-scale (time and
space) investigation of sediment dynamics for planning and monitoring
sediment flushing from artificial reservoirs.10 Oct 2024Submitted to Hydrological Processes 10 Oct 2024Submission Checks Completed
10 Oct 2024Assigned to Editor
12 Oct 2024Reviewer(s) Assigned
12 Oct 2024Reviewer(s) Assigned
02 Dec 2024Review(s) Completed, Editorial Evaluation Pending
03 Dec 2024Editorial Decision: Revise Major