Determination of the Yearly Distribution of the Incidence of Allergic
Bronchopulmonary Aspergillosis (ABPA) in Patients Registered in the
Cystic Fibrosis Patient Registry System of Turkey and Identification of
Risk Factors for its Development
- Havva İpek Demir
, - Ebru Yalcin (Guest Editor),
- Halime Nayir Buyuksahin
, - Suat Savaş,
- Velat Şen,
- Hadice Selimoglu Sen,
- Azer Kılıç Başkan,
- Ayse Ayzit Kilinc
, - Hakan Yazan
, - Abdulhamit Çollak,
- Erkan Çakır,
- Hanife Tuğçe Çağlar
, - Fatih Ercan,
- Sevgi Pekcan
, - Merve Korkmaz,
- Yakup Canitez,
- Bahar Girgin Dindar,
- Figen Gülen,
- elif arik
, - Özlem Keskin,
- Ali Ersoy,
- Mehmet KOSE,
- Mahir Serbes,
- Derya Altıntaş,
- Ebru Damadoğlu,
- Oğuz Karcıoğlu
, - Abdurrahman Erdem Başaran,
- Ayşen Bingöl,
- Zeynep İlkşen Hocoğlu,
- Ayşe Aslan,
- Demet Polat Yuluğ,
- Ali Özdemir
, - Işıl Bilgiç,
- Gokcen Tugcu
, - koray harmanci,
- Beste Ozsezen
, - Pervin Korkmaz,
- Nazan Cobanoglu (Guest Editor)
, - Hasan Yüksel,
- Sibel Doğru,
- Gönül Çaltepe,
- Melih Hangul,
- Zeynep Gayretli Aydın,
- Mehmet KILIC,
- Hamza Ogun,
- Mina Hizal
, - Ayşe Süleyman,
- Gizem Ozcan
, - Aslı Görek Dilektaşlı,
- Tugba Sismanlar-Eyuboglu,
- Nagehan Emiralioglu,
- Guzin Cinel
, - ugur ozcelik,
- Deniz Dogru

Ebru Yalcin (Guest Editor)
Hacettepe Universitesi Tip Fakultesi
Author ProfileHalime Nayir Buyuksahin

Hacettepe Universitesi Tip Fakultesi
Author ProfileAzer Kılıç Başkan
Istanbul Universitesi-Cerrahpasa Cerrahpasa Tip Fakultesi
Author ProfileAyse Ayzit Kilinc

Istanbul Universitesi-Cerrahpasa Cerrahpasa Tip Fakultesi
Author ProfileAbdulhamit Çollak
Bezmialem Vakif Universitesi Tip Fakultesi
Author ProfileHanife Tuğçe Çağlar

Necmettin Erbakan Universitesi Tip Fakultesi
Author ProfileSevgi Pekcan

Necmettin Erbakan Universitesi Tip Fakultesi
Author ProfileAbdurrahman Erdem Başaran
Akdeniz Universitesi Tip Fakultesi
Author ProfileDemet Polat Yuluğ
TC Saglik Bakanligi Mersin Sehir Egitim ve Arastirma Hastanesi
Author ProfileAli Özdemir

TC Saglik Bakanligi Mersin Sehir Egitim ve Arastirma Hastanesi
Author Profilekoray harmanci
Eskisehir Osmangazi Universitesi Tip Fakultesi
Author ProfileBeste Ozsezen

TC Saglik Bakanligi Sanliurfa Egitim ve Arastirma Hastanesi
Author ProfileNazan Cobanoglu (Guest Editor)

Ankara Universitesi Tip Fakultesi
Author ProfileMelih Hangul
TC Saglik Bakanligi Gaziantep Cengiz Gokcek Kadin Dogum ve Cocuk Hastaliklari Hastanesi
Author ProfileZeynep Gayretli Aydın
Karadeniz Teknik Universitesi Tip Fakultesi
Author ProfileMina Hizal

SBU Ankara Dr Sami Ulus Kadin Dogum Cocuk Sagligi ve Hastaliklari Egitim ve Arastirma Hastanesi
Author ProfileAyşe Süleyman
Istanbul Universitesi Istanbul Tip Fakultesi
Author ProfileAslı Görek Dilektaşlı
Bursa Uludag Universitesi Tip Fakultesi
Author ProfileAbstract
Background: Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (ABPA),
which is one of the respiratory complications of cystic fibrosis, is a
hypersensitivity reaction in the lung against the antigens of the fungus
Aspergillus fumigatus ( A.fumigatus). If left untreated,
it may cause irreversible deteriorations in lung functions. The aim of
this study is to determine the incidence of ABPA, according to years and
to determine the risk factors leading to the development of ABPA by
using the CF Registry System of Turkey data. Methods: The study
was designed as a retrospective cohort study. Using the CF Registry
System of Turkey data, the incidence of ABPA was determined and the data
of 44 patients newly diagnosed with ABPA in 2022 and 132 patients with
similar mutation weight and age range without ABPA diagnosis in that
year were compared, and the risk factors affecting the development of
ABPA were determined. Results: Low pulmonary function test
values, having had at least one pulmonary exacerbation in that year and
receiving intravenous antibiotic treatment, using inhaled antibiotics,
having a high number of pulmonary exacerbations, having
Pseudomonas aeroginosa (P.aeroginosa) colonization, having a low
body mass index (BMI) and having cystic fibrosis related diabetes
mellitus (CFRD) were found to be among the risk factors for the
development of ABPA. Conclusions: Early recognition and
treatment of ABPA is essential to prevent further damage to the lungs.
Patients with frequent pulmonary exacerbations, low BMI and low
pulmonary function test values, chronic colonization should definitely
be considered for ABPA.