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Experience of care and health perception among youth who received services within Aire ouverte, a new Integrated Youth Services Network: a Photovoice approach.
  • +3
  • Gabriel Demers,
  • Annie LeBlanc,
  • Caroline East-Richard,
  • Srividya Iyer,
  • Alexandra Tremblay,
  • Caroline Cellard
Gabriel Demers
Universite Laval
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Annie LeBlanc
Universite Laval
Author Profile
Caroline East-Richard
Universite Laval
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Srividya Iyer
McGill University
Author Profile
Alexandra Tremblay
Universite Laval
Author Profile
Caroline Cellard
Universite Laval

Corresponding Author:[email protected]

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Aim: Aire ouverte, an integrated services initiative for youth aged 12–25, is under development in the province of Quebec, Canada. This study’s aim is to explore youth’s perspective regarding their experience within an Aire ouverte located in a remote and rural region of the province, their understanding of health, and how they engaged in a Photovoice process. Methods: We conducted interviews combined with a Photovoice approach. Participants (n=6) were instructed to document their experience within the Aire ouverte services, their understanding of health and how they engaged in a Photovoice process by taking pictures over a 2-month period and selecting a maximum of five for a final individual interview. Transcripts were analyzed to identify recurring themes using an inductive approach. Results: Youth considered Aire ouverte as an effective means to rapidly access healthcare. They highlighted the welcoming facilities and staff attitudes as a key component of their experience. Youth were satisfied with their experience. For them, health requires maintaining a balance, as it is fragile, requires maintaining balance within psychological, physical, social and environmental aspects of their lives. Finally, youth described the Photovoice process as a fun and creative way to express themselves and share their story. Participants also noted the empowering nature of the Photovoice process and experienced positive emotions. Conclusions: This study highlights that the services provided at Aire ouverte are consistent with the principles of youth-friendliness within integrated care. Further studies should be able to capture holistic views of health and youth’s experience.