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Coastal river deltas are highly significant both ecologically and socioeconomically, and are increasingly vulnerable to natural and anthropogenic factors. Vegetation, sediment supply and composition, sea level rise, human development, and subsidence are among the many factors that can modulate hydro-morphology in river deltas. The temporal and spatial dynamics of hydrological transport within a river delta are crucial indications of ecological function. The system's interplay with system morphology, boundary forcings, and internal conditions such as vegetation modulates the amount of time it takes for water to pass through the deltaic system, which is known as the water residence time. This study examined water residence times during morphological changes of river deltas using pyDeltaRCM, a reduced-complexity hydro-morphodynamic model that applied phenomenological criteria to precisely describe sediment accretion and erosion, water and sediment transport are simulated by stochastic parcel-based cellular routing algorithms. Vegetation, sea level rise, and input sediment composition were varied to quantify their effects of system morphology, transport patterns, and ultimately the water residence time distribution. Due to the stochasticity of the pyDeltaRCM modeling scheme, delta morphologies, and flow fields were produced across five realizations for each set of boundary conditions. Delta shorelines were delineated, and water residence time distribution was measured using the Lagrangian particle tracking approach. Results indicate that both input sand fractions and sea level rise exert significant control on system-scale water residence time, but vegetation has a secondary, limited, and inconsistent impact. The outcomes of this study enhance our understanding of system-scale hydrological transport dynamics in nonstationary coastal environments in the face of climate change.Keywords: River delta, Vegetation, Water residence times, pyDeltaRCM