We paired data collected on Cibicidoides spp. with data collected on O. umbonatus, L. wuellerstorfi, and N. umbonifera. We also paired data collected on O. umbonatus with data collected on Cibicidoides spp., L. wuellerstorfi, and N. umbonifera. (Fig. 3). Our results show: Lobatula wuellerstorfi and O. umbonatus element/Ca correlate well with those of Cibicidoides spp. for all elements analyzed. The correlation of Sr-Li-B/Ca bf between these species is the most statistically significant (P<0.05). Nuttallides umbonifera shows no statistically significant correlation with Cibicidoides spp. in any of the analyses. Additionally, the Mg-Li/Ca bf correlation between these two species presents the lowest R-squared of the regression (R 2 < 5%). This implies that the element incorporation in this species is substantially different in terms of its response to environmental variables. The correlation between O. umbonatus and Cibicidoides spp. is statistically significant for all the elements/Ca analyzed. The correlation between L. wuellerstorfi and O. umbonatus and between N. umbonifera and O. umbonatus are statistically significant only for B-Sr/Ca bf (P<0.05). The data collected allowed us to derive correction factors to normalize L. wuellerstorfi and O. umbonatus to Cibicidoides spp. and also to normalize data collected on Cibicidoides spp. to O. umbonatus. Here, we show data collected along our Miocene through Pleistocene paleodepth transect normalized to Cibicidoides spp. (Fig. 4). Our results show: Mg-Li-Sr/Ca bf record similar ratios before the Miocene Climate Optimum (MCO) at ~2400 m and ~3500 m. In contrast, B/Ca bf records a larger gradient across paleodepths, displaying the highest ratios at ~3500 m. Mg-Li-B-Sr/Ca bf ratios increase during the MCO. The element/Ca ratio gradient across ~2400 m and ~3500 m increases during and after the MCO, except for Li/Ca bf. Li/Ca bf ratios remain stable at ~2400 m and ~3500 m. After the MCO, Li/Ca bf at ~1200 m is ~17 µmol/mol higher than at ~3500 m at 11 Ma. B/Ca bf is lower at ~2400 m than at ~3500 m throughout the studied interval, except at 5.2 and 0.5 Ma. Mg-Li-B/Ca bf decrease starting from 5 Ma. In contrast to other elements, Sr/Ca bf increased slightly over the last 5 M.y. from 1.1 to 1.3 mmol/mol.