Developer Experience (DevEx) is a subjective and complex aspect to
evaluate in software development, as it involves both technical and
personal factors. To address this challenge, a gamified solution was
proposed that automates data collection on projects and developers,
culminating in the generation of reports with concrete recommendations
for each project. This tool integrates subjective and objective
measurements, enabling a more comprehensive evaluation of DevEx and
providing practical indicators for continuous improvement. The initial
evaluation of this prototype with a group of developers showed highly
positive reception, highlighting the tool’s potential in real work
environments. Participants noted favorable aspects of the gamified
approach, particularly its ability to dynamically and interactively
capture developers perceptions. Additionally, this article presents the
initial architecture employed to build the prototype and, based on
participant feedback, proposes an optimized production-ready
architecture. This refined design serves as a foundational model for
software development companies to implement in real-world scenarios.