The one-dimensional Coulomb Hamiltonian: Properties of its
Birman-Schwinger operator
- S. Fassari,
- Manuel Gadella
, - Jose T. Lunardi,
- Luis M. Nieto
, - F. Rinaldi
S. Fassari
Universita degli Studi Guglielmo Marconi Dipartimento di Scienze Ingegneristiche
Author ProfileF. Rinaldi
Universita degli Studi Guglielmo Marconi Dipartimento di Scienze Ingegneristiche
Author ProfileAbstract
We study the Birman-Schwinger operator for a self-adjoint realisation of
the one-dimensional Hamiltonian with the Coulomb potential. We study
both the case in which this Hamiltonian is defined on the whole real
line and when it is only defined on the positive semiaxis. In both
cases, the Birman-Schwinger operator is Hilbert-Schmidt, even though it
is not trace class. Then, we have considered some approximations to the
Hamiltonian depending on a positive parameter, under given conditions,
and proved the convergence of the Birman-Schwinger operators of these
approximations to the original Hamiltonian as the parameter goes to
zero. Further comments and results have been included.