Hydraulic and structural constraints jointly shape root-to-leaf scaling
of xylem conduit traits
- Milos Simovic
, - Sean Michaletz

Sean Michaletz

The University of British Columbia Department of Botany
Author ProfileAbstract
Xylem conduit morphology is shaped by the dual challenges of minimizing
hydraulic resistance and preventing conduit wall collapse during
vertical sap transport. While hydraulic theories predict that conduits
widen from tip to base to minimize resistance, theory has not addressed
how collapse prevention influences vertical variation in conduit
morphology. Additionally, scaling relationships in roots remain largely
unexplored. Here, we evaluate existing theories for conduit diameter
scaling and derive new theory for vertical variation in
thickness-to-span ratios. We test these theories using a novel
bootstrapping approach to minimize sampling biases and analyze a dataset
of nearly seven million observations spanning above- and belowground
organs from five conifer species. As predicted, conduits widened with
distance from the stem tip, with scaling exponents closely aligning with
theoretical predictions. Conduits also widened from fine roots to coarse
roots, mirroring aboveground patterns. Thickness-to-span ratios
increased from base to tip and consistently exceeded the predicted
critical collapse limit. These findings reveal how the physics of sap
transport shape xylem morphology to balance hydraulic efficiency and
structural stability. By combining novel theory, robust statistical
methods, and comprehensive data, this study refines scaling predictions
and advances understanding of mechanisms shaping xylem anatomy across
plant organs.30 Jan 2025Submitted to Plant, Cell & Environment 31 Jan 2025Submission Checks Completed
31 Jan 2025Assigned to Editor
02 Feb 2025Review(s) Completed, Editorial Evaluation Pending
04 Feb 2025Reviewer(s) Assigned
28 Feb 2025Editorial Decision: Revise Minor