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Desirability for Companionship in Labour among Antenatal Antendees of the University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital: A cross-sectional study
  • +3
  • Owolabi Beatrice Omolola,
  • Oyewole Adewale Julius,
  • Ezeoke Gwabachi Grace,
  • Munir’deen A. IJAIYA,
  • Owolabi James Idowu,
  • Arotiba Abayomi Ayorinde
Owolabi Beatrice Omolola
University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital

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Oyewole Adewale Julius
University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital
Author Profile
Ezeoke Gwabachi Grace
University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital
Author Profile
Munir’deen A. IJAIYA
University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital
Author Profile
Owolabi James Idowu
University of Ilorin
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Arotiba Abayomi Ayorinde
University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital
Author Profile


Objective: To determine the awareness and desirability of pregnant women attending antenatal clinic of University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital (UITH), Ilorin UITH for companionship in labour Design: A descriptive cross-sectional study Setting: The study was conducted at the antenatal clinic in the department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital (UITH), Ilorin, Kwara State, Nigeria. Population: The study populations were pregnant women who attended Antenatal Care (ANC) services of the UITH. Methods: Data was collected through interviewer administered questionnaire between Jan to March 2022 and data was analyzed with SPPS IBM version 24 Main Outcome Measure: Awareness and desirability for companionship in labour. Utilization of companion in labour Results: Most of the respondents (57.2%) were aware of companionship in labour. Majority of the respondents (88.7%) had desire for companionship in labour though only few of them (18%) had companionship in their previous deliveries) or knew someone who had it before. All those who had companionship in their previous deliveries expressed satisfaction with it. Most of those who desired to have their delivery at facilities with provision for companionship in labour (63.7%) would prefer it even at an additional cost of care. Conclusion: The findings of this study showed that most of the respondents were aware of companionship in labour and majority of them desired it but its utilization is low.