Double-Committed Subarterial Ventricular Septal Defect with Combined
Aortic and Pulmonary Valve Prolapse: A Rare Case Report
- Ali Nazım Güzelbağ,
- Isa Ozyilmaz
, - İlknur Şahin,
- Servet Ergün
, - Ali Can Hatemi,
- Erkut Ozturk

Isa Ozyilmaz

TC Saglik Bakanligi Basaksehir Cam ve Sakura Sehir Hastanesi
Author Profileİlknur Şahin
TC Saglik Bakanligi Basaksehir Cam ve Sakura Sehir Hastanesi
Author ProfileServet Ergün

TC Saglik Bakanligi Basaksehir Cam ve Sakura Sehir Hastanesi
Author ProfileAli Can Hatemi
TC Saglik Bakanligi Basaksehir Cam ve Sakura Sehir Hastanesi
Author ProfileErkut Ozturk

TC Saglik Bakanligi Basaksehir Cam ve Sakura Sehir Hastanesi
Author ProfileAbstract
Double-committed subarterial ventricular septal defect (DCVSD) with
combined aortic and pulmonary valve prolapse is an extremely rare
congenital anomaly with significant hemodynamic implications. We present
the case of a 16-year-old male who presented with fatigue and a
pansystolic murmur. Echocardiographic evaluation identified a 12 mm
DCVSD with associated prolapse of the right coronary cusp of the aortic
valve and the left cusp of the pulmonary valve. This double valve
prolapse caused mild aortic and pulmonary regurgitation and significant
left-to-right shunting. Given the risk of progressive valvular
dysfunction, early surgical intervention was performed. This case
highlights the importance of recognizing and managing the rare
coexistence of aortic and pulmonary valve prolapse in DCVSD to prevent
long-term complications.