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Refining zooplankton diet composition studies over short- and long-time scales by combining 18S metabarcoding with fatty acid analyses
  • +4
  • Nora-Charlotte Pauli,
  • Katja Metfies,
  • Stefan Neuhaus,
  • Martin Graeve,
  • Alison Cleary,
  • Morten Iversen,
  • Bettina Meyer
Nora-Charlotte Pauli
Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research

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Katja Metfies
Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research
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Stefan Neuhaus
Alfred-Wegener-Institut fur Polar und Meeresforschung
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Martin Graeve
Alfred Wegener Institute for Marine and Polar Research
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Alison Cleary
British Antarctic Survey
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Morten Iversen
Alfred-Wegener-Institut fur Polar und Meeresforschung
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Bettina Meyer
Alfred Wegener Institute for Marine and Polar Research
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Understanding diet composition is essential for unravelling trophic interactions in aquatic ecosystems. DNA metabarcoding, utilizing various variable regions of the 18S rRNA gene, is increasingly employed to investigate zooplankton diet composition. However, accurate results depend on rapid inactivation of digestive enzymes and DNA nucleases through proper sample processing and preservation. In this study, we compare the prey communities of Antarctic krill retrieved from the 18S variable regions V4 and V7, and assess how different processing treatments affect the detected prey composition of both krill and salps. Our findings highlight the critical importance of prompt sample processing for species with highly efficient digestive enzymes, such as krill, to preserve rapidly digested prey, including gelatinous plankton. Comparative analyses of the V4 and V7 regions revealed significantly different prey communities within the same krill samples, indicating that these regions may not be suitable for direct comparisons within or across studies. To complement molecular approaches, we also analyse fatty acids (FA) as trophic markers which provide insights into dietary habits over both short- and long-time scales. By comparing FA signals from stomach and tissue samples of the same krill and salp individuals, we identified significant differences in trophic markers representing different plankton groups. These findings emphasize the necessity of separating digestive tract from tissue to distinguish between short- and long-term diet signals. Furthermore, integrating FA analysis with metabarcoding offers valuable insights into zooplankton digestion efficiency across taxonomic levels. This combined approach enhances our understanding of zooplankton feeding ecology and trophic interactions in marine ecosystems.