Seismological models of the mantle are routinely developed using a range
of techniques applied to different data types. For quite some time, it
has been recognised that on long wavelengths models of shear-wave
velocity variations show a large degree of consistency. More recently,
the same has been suggested for models that describe compressional-wave
velocity variations. However, controversy remains regarding models of
lower mantle density variations, which provide important constraints on
the nature of mantle structures, e.g. whether they are caused by thermal
variations or whether additional chemical heterogeneity is required. The
imaging of density structure is difficult due to a small effect on
seismic observables and a strong trade-off with core-mantle boundary
(CMB) topography. In addition, no consistent model of CMB topography
variations exists with current models differing both in amplitude and
pattern. Here, I review models of lower mantle density structure and
core-mantle boundary topography from the literature, with the aim to
identify which structures are consistent and what we can already learn
from these models. In addition, I discuss ways in which differences
between existing models may be resolved in future.