Continuity of care on the health of mothers and child in the postnatal
period through an Obstetric Clinic's experience.
OBJECTIVE To establish and implement a women-centred continuity
of midwifery care service specifically focused on urogynecological
conditions. DESIGN Observational study was conducted.
SETTING R. Guzzardi Hospital – Vittoria (Italy)
POPULATION 441 women received midwifery care in the first 40
days after childbirth. The target population consisted of low-risk
mothers and newborns who delivered in our hospital during January and
December 2022. METHODS. 122 quantitative variables were
extracted. A preliminary statistical analysis was conducted, allowing us
to describe our sample of women and the results obtained during the
first and second check-ups for comparison. Subsequently, using the
statistical software, it was possible to correlate the variables,
identifying those that were statistically significant. MAIN
OUTCOME MEASURES Improved pelvic floor function, reduced urinary
incontinence, and enhanced postnatal care continuity, particularly for
immigrant women. RESULTS The cesarean section is associated
with a high score in the pelvic-perineal assessment (p value = 0.0069).
Higher values of lacerations and/or episiotomy were recorded in induced
deliveries (p value= 0.0097). Urgency urinary incontinence, and stress
urinary incontinence, are associated with a pelvic floor with poor tone
and functionality (I assessment: p value = 0,00371) (II assessment: p
value 8.843 e-06). Over 10% of women with urinary disorders at the
first check-up achieved complete recovery, while the remaining 4%
persisted with urogynaecology symptoms. The tone and functionality of
the pelvic floor improved in 15% of cases initially marked by a low
score. CONCLUSION Midwife-led care improves women’s well-being
and empowerment, particularly in postpartum urogynaecological health,
supporting recovery and personal development.