Standards: Math- MGSEK.MD.1 Describe several measurable attributes of an object, such as length or weight MGSEK.CC.5 Count to answer "how many" questions SCIENCE- SKP1. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to describe objects in terms of the materials they are made of and their physical attributes S2P1. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about the properties of matter TECHNOLOGY- CSS.IDC.K-2.4 Use the Design Process (use, modify, create) with a variety of tools to identify and solve problems by creating new, modified, or imaginative solutions PERFORMANCE EXPECTATIONS:MATH- Students will make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.Students will construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.SCIENCE- Students will explore the properties of different objects using their senses.Students will compare how the materials are similar and how they are different.Students will assemble and disassemble structures made from small pieces.TECHNOLOGY- Students will understand that a model is used for developing and testing ideas.LESSON OVERVIEW:In this lesson students will evaluate and classify materials based on their attributes and apply their knowledge of these materials to build a model of a chair that will support a full can of soda.MATERIALS:"Goldilocks and the Three Bears" by Jan Brett unified cubes base ten ones unopened soda canOPENING: (10 MIN)To begin the lesson and engage interest, the teacher will read the book "Goldilocks and the Three Bears. Then the teacher will explain to the students that they are going to help Goldilocks build a chair that will hold the bears weight.First the teacher will place the students in groups of four. Next, the teacher will pass out unified cubes and base ten ones to each group and have students explore their physical attributes using their senses. After students have explored the cubes and ones, the teacher will have students to sort them by color and size. The teacher will pose the question "Which blocks would be best to build a chair for bear?" The teacher will facilitate a class discussion to decide which blocks would be best. After students determine that the unified cubes would be best, the teacher will take up the ones and provide groups with a soda can. The teacher will ask the students to pick up a unified cube and the soda can and have the group decide which is heavy and which is light.WORK SESSION: (30 MIN)During this time students will be provided with the above list of materials and will work to complete the chair task. The teacher will introduce the task using print outs showing the following.-Design a chair that will hold the full can of soda using the unified cubes-Create your chair and test it-Improve your designStudents will use the chair task recording sheet as they complete the task. The sheet has a place for them to draw their plan, count how many unified cubes they used to build their chair, and write about what they did to build a chair that will hold a full can of soda. The teacher will facilitate by walking around the room and guiding the students when necessary with prompting questions, such as....."Does your model look like a chair?", "What are the parts to a chair?", "Have you tested your design?" and "Can you make it better?"CLOSING: (10 MIN)The teacher will bring the class back together and have groups share their designs with the class. As groups are sharing the class will decide who had the best design. The teacher will explain that they will use the best overall design to create a chair using the 3-D printer during their next class time.