Mikhail Basov graduated from the National Nuclear Research University “Moscow Engineering Physics Institute” (MEPhi, Nano- and Microelectronics department, Moscow, Russia) as MSc in Electrical and Electronics Engineering. Since 2010 he currently works as R&D Engineer focused on developing MEMS piezoresistive pressure and microelectronic temperature sensors in Dukhov Authomatic Research Institute (FSUE VNIIA, Moscow, Russia). He received the Ph.D. degree from MEPhI in 2022. His PhD thesis is about creation of new pressure sensor chip with novel piezosensitive electrical circuit utilizing bipolar-junction transistor differential amplifier with negative feedback loop (PDA-NFL). He is the author of 10 articles, 16 Russian patents, and 15 conference papers. He received the award of University Technology Exposure Program by Wevolver, Mouser Electronics and ANSYS in 2022, Innovative Leader Award in the Nuclear Industry by Rosatom in 2019, and Brish Young Scientists Competition by FSUE VNIIA in 2023.