Engaging students through online video homework assignments: A case
study in a large-enrollment ecology and evolution course
Online educational videos have the potential to enhance undergraduate
biology learning, for example by showcasing contemporary scientific
research and providing content coverage. Here, we describe the
integration of nine videos into a large-enrollment introductory
evolution and ecology course via weekly homework assignments. We
predicted that videos that feature research stories from contemporary
scientists could reinforce topics introduced in lecture and provide
students with novel insights into the nature of scientific research.
Using qualitative analysis of open-ended written feedback from the
students on each video assigned throughout the term (n=133-229 responses
per video), we identified ten common themes in student perspectives. On
the whole, the video homework assignments received more positive than
negative comments and all videos received comments suggesting that they
were engaging and contributed to learning goals. We discuss
opportunities and challenges for the use of online educational videos in
teaching ecology and evolution, and we provide guidelines instructors
can use to integrate them into their courses.