July 17, 2024
High quality diet enhances immune response and affects gene expression during viral i...
Su'ad Yoon, Kevin So, Josh Harrison, et al.
March 11, 2024
High quality diet enhances immune response during viral infection in an insect herbiv...
Su'ad Yoon, Kevin So, Josh Harrison, et al.
June 16, 2023
Replicated DNA methylation differences between stick insect ecotypes
Clarissa de Carvalho, Jon Slate, Romain Villoutreix, et al.
August 08, 2022
A continental-scale survey of Wolbachia infections in blue butterflies reveals eviden...
Vivaswat Shastry , Katherine Bell, C. Alex Buerkle, et al.
February 02, 2022
The short-term, genome-wide effects of indirect selection deserve study: a response t...
Zachariah Gompert, Jeff Feder, Patrik Nosil, et al.
August 03, 2020
Model-based genotype and ancestry estimation for potential hybrids with mixed-ploidy
Vivaswat Shastry , Paula Adams, Dorothea Lindtke, et al.
June 18, 2020
A population-genomic approach for estimating selection on polygenic traits in heterog...
Zach Gompert