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Cherie Torres-Silva
Public Documents
Training in pediatric airway endoscopy during a pandemic and beyond
Albin Leong
and 4 more
December 29, 2020
The pandemic has had a dramatic and negative impact on opportunities for training in pediatric airway endoscopy. This commentary discusses ways in which training programs can address this issue.
Right mainstem bronchial atresia successfully corrected with slide tracheobronchoplas...
Maria del Mar Romero Lopez
and 9 more
September 16, 2020
Mainstem bronchial atresia (MBA) is a rare and fatal entity with no survivors reported to date. We describe a neonate born at 36 weeks gestational age (GA) with right MBA who underwent successful slide tracheobronchoplasty at 32 days of life. It is theorized that during fetal life a transient fistulous connection developed, allowing right lung decompression and left lung development.