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Angelos Amyntas

and 13 more

Angelos Amyntas

and 7 more

1.     Species-rich communities exhibit higher levels of ecosystem functioning compared to species-poor ones, and this positive relationship strengthens over time. One proposed explanation for this phenomenon is the reduction of niche overlap among plants or animals, which corresponds to increased complementarity and reduced competition. 2.     In order to examine the potential of increased complementarity among plants or animals to strengthen the relationship between diversity and ecosystem functions, we integrated models of bio-energetic population dynamics and food-web assembly. Through the simulation of various scenarios of plant and animal complementarity change, we sought to elucidate the mechanisms underlying the observed increases in (1) primary productivity, (2) control of herbivores by predators, and (3) reduction of herbivore pressure on plants in species-rich communities.3.     Our findings reveal that increased niche complementarity of plants can steepen the diversity-function relationships if it does not increase their intraspecific competition, while increasing complementarity among animals during community assembly can also have a positive effect but with considerable variability. 4.     The study highlights the importance of trait variation both among and within species, and the interplay between intra- and interspecific competition strength in shaping the functioning of ecosystems over time. These results offer insights into the mechanisms underpinning the diversity-functioning relationship, and have practical implications for ecosystem management and conservation efforts.

Malte Jochum

and 6 more

Global change alters ecological communities with consequences for ecosystem processes. Such processes and functions are a central aspect of ecological research and vital to understanding and mitigating the consequences of global change, but also those of other drivers of change in organism communities. In this context, the concept of energy flux through trophic networks integrates food-web theory and biodiversity-ecosystem functioning theory and connects biodiversity to multitrophic ecosystem functioning. As such, the energy flux approach is a strikingly effective tool to answer central questions in ecology and global-change research. This might seem straight forward, given that the theoretical background and software to efficiently calculate energy flux are readily available. However, the implementation of such calculations is not always straight forward, especially for those who are new to the topic and not familiar with concepts central to this line of research, such as food-web theory or metabolic theory. To facilitate wider use of energy flux in ecological research, we thus provide a guide to adopting energy-flux calculations for people new to the method, struggling with its implementation, or simply looking for background reading, important resources, and standard solutions to the problems everyone faces when starting to quantify energy fluxes for their community data. First, we introduce energy flux and its use in community and ecosystem ecology. Then, we provide a comprehensive explanation of the single steps towards calculating energy flux for community data. Finally, we discuss remaining challenges and exciting research frontiers for future energy-flux research.