A Global Agenda for Advancing Freshwater Biodiversity Research
- Alain Maasri
, - Sonja Jähnig
, - Mihai Adamescu,
- Rita Adrian,
- Claudio Baigun,
- Donald Baird,
- Angelica Batista-Morales,
- Nuria Bonada,
- Lee Brown
, - Qinghua Cai,
- Joao Campos-Silva,
- Viola Clausnitzer,
- Topiltzin Contreras-MacBeath
, - Steven Cooke,
- Thibault Datry
, - Gonzalo Delacamara,
- Klaas-Douwe Dijkstra,
- Van Tu Do,
- Sami Domisch,
- David Dudgeon,
- Tibor Eros,
- Hendrik Freitag,
- Joerg Freyhof,
- Jana Friedrich,
- Martin Friedrichs-Manthey,
- Juergen Geist,
- Mark Gessner,
- Peter Goethals,
- Matthew Gollock,
- Christopher Gordon,
- Hans-Peter Grossart
, - Georges Gulemvuga,
- Pablo Gutiérrez-Fonseca
, - Peter Haase,
- Daniel Hering,
- Hans Juergen Hahn,
- Charles Hawkins,
- Fengzhi He,
- Jani Heino,
- Virgilio Hermoso,
- Zeb Hogan,
- Franz Hoelker
, - jonathan Jeschke,
- Meilam Jiang,
- Richard Johnson,
- Gregor Kalinkat
, - Bakhtiyor Karimov,
- Aventino Kasangaki,
- Ismael Kimirei
, - Bert Kohlmann
, - Mathias Kummerlen,
- Jan Kuiper
, - Benjamin Kupilas
, - Simone Langhans,
- Richard Lansdown,
- Florian Leese
, - Luc De Meester
, - Francis Magbanua,
- Shin-ichiro Matsuzaki,
- Michael Monaghan,
- Levan Mumladze,
- Javier Muzon,
- Pierre Mvogo Ndongo,
- Jens Nejstgaard
, - Oxana Nikitina,
- Clifford Ochs,
- Oghenekaro Nelson Odume,
- Jeffrey Opperman,
- Harmony Patricio,
- Steffen Pauls,
- Rajeev Raghavan,
- Alonso Ramirez,
- Bindiya Rashni
, - Vere Ross-Gillespie,
- Michael Samways,
- Ralf Schaefer,
- Astrid Schmidt-Kloiber,
- Ole Seehausen,
- Deep Narayan Shah,
- Subodh Sharma,
- Janne Soininen
, - Nike Sommerwerk,
- Jason Stockwell,
- Frank Suhling
, - Ram Devi Tachamo Shah,
- Rebecca Tharme,
- James Thorp,
- David Tickner,
- Klement Tockner,
- Jonathan Tonkin
, - Mireia Valle,
- Jean Vitule,
- Martin Volk
, - Ding Wang,
- Christian Wolter,
- Susanne Worischka
Sonja Jähnig

Leibniz-Institut fur Gewasserokologie und Binnenfischerei im Forschungsverbund Berlin eV
Author ProfileAngelica Batista-Morales
Instituto de Investigacion de Recursos Biologicos Alexander von Humboldt
Author ProfileViola Clausnitzer
Senckenberg Research Institute and Natural History Museum
Author ProfileTopiltzin Contreras-MacBeath

Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Morelos
Author ProfileSami Domisch
Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries
Author ProfileTibor Eros
Hungarian Academy of Sciences Centre for Ecological Research Balaton Limnological Research Institute
Author ProfileJoerg Freyhof
Museum fur Naturkunde - Leibniz-Institut fur Evolutions- und Biodiversitatsforschung
Author ProfileJana Friedrich
Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht Zentrum für Materialforschung und Küstenforschung
Author ProfileMartin Friedrichs-Manthey
Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries in the Forschungsverbund Berlin eV
Author ProfileMark Gessner
Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (IGB)
Author ProfileMatthew Gollock
Zoological Society of London Institute of Zoology
Author ProfileHans-Peter Grossart

Leibnitz Institute for Freshwater ecology and Inland fisheries
Author ProfileGeorges Gulemvuga
International Commission for Congo-Ubangui-Sangha basin
Author ProfilePablo Gutiérrez-Fonseca

University of Costa Rica Faculty of Sciences
Author ProfileHans Juergen Hahn
University of Koblenz Landau - Campus Landau
Author ProfileFengzhi He
Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries in the Forschungsverbund Berlin eV
Author Profilejonathan Jeschke
Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries in the Forschungsverbund Berlin eV
Author ProfileMeilam Jiang
Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications
Author ProfileRichard Johnson
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Author ProfileGregor Kalinkat

Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries
Author ProfileBakhtiyor Karimov
Tashkent institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers
Author ProfileMathias Kummerlen
The University of Dublin Trinity College
Author ProfileLuc De Meester

Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries
Author ProfileShin-ichiro Matsuzaki
National Institute for Environmental Studies
Author ProfileMichael Monaghan
Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries in the Forschungsverbund Berlin eV
Author ProfileJens Nejstgaard

Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries in the Forschungsverbund Berlin eV
Author ProfileRajeev Raghavan
Kerala University of Fisheries and Ocean Studies
Author ProfileRalf Schaefer
University of Koblenz Landau - Campus Landau
Author ProfileAstrid Schmidt-Kloiber
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna
Author ProfileNike Sommerwerk
Bibliothek am Museum fur Naturkunde Berlin
Author ProfileJames Thorp
University of Kansas, Kansas Biological Survey
Author ProfileKlement Tockner
Senckenberg Research Institute and Natural History Museum
Author ProfileMartin Volk

Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ
Author ProfileChristian Wolter
Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries
Author ProfileAbstract
Freshwater biodiversity is declining dramatically, and the current
biodiversity crisis requires defining bold goals and mobilizing
substantial resources to meet the challenges. While the reasons are
varied, both research and conservation of freshwater biodiversity lag
far behind efforts in the terrestrial and marine realms. We identify
fifteen pressing global needs to support informed global freshwater
biodiversity stewardship. The proposed agenda aims to advance freshwater
biodiversity research globally as a critical step in improving
coordinated action towards its sustainable management and conservation.Feb 2022Published in Ecology Letters volume 25 issue 2 on pages 255-263. 10.1111/ele.13931