Attenuation of Sinapic Acid and Sinapine-Derived Flavor-Active Compounds
Using A Factorial-Based Pressurized High-Temperature Processing
De-oiled canola meals are sources of protein-containing flavor-active
phenolic compounds. Conventional canola oil processing utilizes an
excess amount of solvents and is associated with the release of
high-intensity bitter flavor-active phenolic compounds, limiting the use
of the canola meal. Recent advances in the extraction and isolation of
the bitter favor-active phenolic compounds from canola by-products
produce protein isolates, however, would benefit the industry by
producing a side-stream ingredient rich in phenolics. High temperature
and pressure-aided processing, namely the accelerated solvent extraction
(ASE) was investigated to extract the flavor-active bitter molecules
from the canola meal. The extractability of flavor-active phenolic
compounds including the major sinapates, kaempferol derivatives, and
other thermo-generative compounds including thomasidioc acid (TA) was
evaluated. The effects of temperature, solvent extractant and
concentration, and the particle size of the meal, were examined on the
extraction efficiency of these phenolic compounds. Extraction
temperature (180oC) was the primary determinant (p<0.05) for
the attenuation of major sinapates including sinapine and sinapic acid.
Both ethanol and methanol extractants at a concentration of 70% (v/v)
significantly (p<0.05) extracted the flavor-active phenolic
compounds. The pressurized high temperature through optimized ASE
conditions attenuated the bitter undesirable flavor-active phenolic
molecules from canola meal thereby facilitating a potential value-added
phenolic-rich by-product.