Kaustubh Mohite

and 1 more

Background: Stridor is a harsh, vibratory sound with variable pitch which is caused by partial obstruction of airway that results in turbulent airflow. It is mainly due to anatomic deformities in the infantile age group. However, various acquired conditions affecting upper airway may also cause stridor. Here, we evaluated 87 cases of stridor using Flexible bronchoscope in order to determine the cause of stridor. Objective: To determine the clinical characteristics, Flexible bronchoscopy findings and clinical correlation in children admitted in our hospital with complains of stridor. Design: Retrospective observational study. Setting: Single center study conducted in Amrut medical foundation. 87 children aged less than 5 years with a clinical complains of stridor were included in the study and Flexible bronchoscopy was performed. The findings were analyzed and results were reported. Results: A total of 87 children with stridor were enrolled in the study and Flexible Bronchoscopy was performed in them. Of these, 68 children had an abnormal bronchoscopy finding. Laryngomalacia was the commonest cause of stridor observed followed by subglottic stenosis and tracheomalacia. Cough was the commonest presenting symptom associated with stridor and tachypnea was the commonest clinical sign observed in these children. Conclusion: Flexible bronchoscopy plays an important role in diagnosing the exact cause of stridor in pediatric age group. Key words: Stridor, Flexible Bronchoscopy, Laryngomalacia.