AbstractBackground: Post-exercise hypotension has been given significant importance owing to both the acute and chronic responses and changes it has on the cardiovascular system. This study aimed to provide a comparison of the outcomes of differing intensities of exercises in terms of blood pressure (BP), Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP) and heart rate. The aim of this study was to provide a clinical update on exercise blood pressure (BP) and its relationship to cardiovascular disease (CVD). We also highlight current evidence gaps that need addressing in order to optimise the relevance of exercise BP as clinical CVD risk factor. The purpose of this study was to compare the outcomes of differing intensities of  exercises.Methods: This is a descriptive, pilot, non-experimental study which was conducted across both genders including 10 normotensive individuals of age varying between 18-30 years. Automatic verses manual means were used to determine Blood pressure. There were two main sessions; session 1 corresponding to an intensity of 60% Heart rate max (HR max) and session 2 corresponding to 80% HR max, respectively. During the sessions, participants were asked to exercise on a cycle ergometer at a specific intensity for 60 minutes and BP and HR then measured immediately at 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 minutes after the exercise has been completed and then Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP) was calculated. MS Excel and IBM SPSS were used to analyse the data. Ethical Considerations were followed in all respects.Results: Among the prescribing indicators ,cycle ergometry elicit at 5% of VO2 Peak the similar decline in post exercise BP. Therefore bouts of mild to moderate intensity exercise may be beneficial in the control of hypertension. Heart rate was higher during 80% intensity (75.20007 with S.D ±7.13053) than during the 60% intensity (76.6000 with S.D ±7.79173). Pre-exercise values were re-established by 60 min post exercise. VO2 remained significantly elevated above pre-exercise values in both trials until 15 min post exercise. Participants went under the testing in a randomised trial. Repeated measures taken such that they performed 30-min bouts of cycle ergometry at a power output which elicited 60 or 80% of VO2 Peak. SBP between the two trials was fluctuating and became hypotensive through 60 min (101.8 with S.D ±9.19) and 80 min (103.8 with S.D ±9.53)post exercise. . DBP was also affected by the intensity of exercise and was lower than before exercise at 10 and 20 through 60 min (63.3000 with S.D ±6.71731)and 80 min (62.9000 with S.D ±5.64604)post exercise. Similarly, mean arterial pressure (MAP) showed significant changes at 10 and 20 through 60 min (76.1330 with S.D ±6.95274) and 80 min (76.5340 with S.D ±5.98943) post exercise .Heart rate was greater during the 60% intensity (75.20007 WITH S.D ±7.13053) than during the 80% intensity(76.6000 with S.D±7.79173) trial. Pre-exercise values were re-established by 60 min post exercise.Conclusion: This study necessitates the need to implement that moderately intense exercise may be as brief as 10 min in duration in order to elicit a decrease in resting blood pressure and may have potential benefits as a non-pharmacological aid to hypertension.Keywords: Exercise, Blood pressure, Heart rate, Mean arterial pressure, diasystolic blood pressure, sysytolic blood pressure
ABSTRACTBackground: CORONA is derived from Latin, mean crown. Corona virus is non segmented, RNA enveloped virus with positive polarity. Corona affects the mankind physically, psychologically, emotionally, and economically in the form of pandemic. Over last 7 months, corona virus appears as major public health issue. It shows its huge impact on respiratory, cardiovascular and reproductive system. Previously, outbreaks of corona virus types SARS and MERS are also seen. It can be prevented by good hygiene and respiratory hygiene.Objective: The aim of study is to access the prevalence of corona virus (COVID-19) among different genders and age groups in general population by collecting their data.Methodology: A cross sectional study was conducted in general population from 12 September to 21 September, 2020. A total of 150 patients, who were both male and female, were studied with self-administered questionnaire, who were diagnosed with PCR. No harm to patient and no privacy breachment occur during this research.Study Setting: The study was carried out at Punjab, Pakistan.Study Design: Descriptive cross-sectional study.Results: Among 150 patients, frequency of COVID-19 in males is 51.4% and females 48.6%. According to age difference, highest chances of interaction occur in 13-25 years of age. Major symptoms in both genders are dry cough, fever and tiredness. Majorly, patients were diagnosed by clinical evaluation. No significant history and chronic diseases. Recovery rate is more in males (89.6%) than females (83.6%). Mortality rate is more in females (16.4%) than males (10.4%).Conclusions: The higher prevalence of COVID-19 is seen in males and 13-25 years of age. Recovery rate is more in males and mortality rate is more in females.
AbstractThe effect of thyroid hormones on electrolyte balance has not been reported clearly in literature. This study aimed to assess the consequences of thyroid dysfunction on serum electrolyte levels of individuals visiting outpatient department of tertiary care institutes. A total of 88 individuals were included in the study that were distributed into 5 groups: 1) NTF; the individuals visiting outpatient department (OPD) with normal thyroid function, 2) Hypo-TF; the individuals visiting OPD with hypothyroid function, 3) Hyper-TF; the individuals visiting OPD with hyperthyroid function, 4) NTFT; the individuals visiting OPD with normal thyroid function after treatment, and 5) HC; the healthy control individuals with normal thyroid function who did not visited OPD. The blood samples of the individuals of each group were taken and the sera were analysed for thyroid hormones including triiodothyronine (T3), tetraiodothyronine (T4), and thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) and electrolyte levels.A statistically significant variation (P<0.05) was observed in thyroid hormone levels of different study groups of both genders. The Hyper-TF group showed comparatively higher levels of  T3 and T4 while TSH level was higher in Hypo-TF group of both male and female individuals. However, no significant variation in electrolyte levels of different study groups was observed. Statistically no siginificant age-dependent variation in thyroid hormones and electrolyte levels of the study groups was noted. The treatment period also showed no siginificant changes in thyroid hormones and sodium ion level. The level of sodium ions was positively correlated with T3  and T4 level of control and Hypo-TF groups and TSH of Hyper-TF group. The potassium ion level was negatively correlated with thyroid hormones level of each group except TSH of Hyper-TF group.Keywords: Thyroid dysfunction, Electrolyte balance, Hypothyroidism, Hyperthyroidism, Thyroid-stimulating hormone, Triiodothyronine, Thyroxine
1. INTRODUCTIONLung CancerLung cancer is also called lung carcinoma, is a threatening lung tumor characterized by uncontrolled cell development in tissues of the lung. This development can spread past the lung by the cycle of metastasis into close by tissue or different parts of the body. Most cancers that start in the lung, known as primary lung cancers, are carcinomas [1]. The two primary sorts are small-cell lung carcinoma (SCLC) and non-small-cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC). The most well-known manifestations are cough (coughing up blood), weight reduction, windedness, and chest pain.By far most (85%) of instances of lung cancer are because of long-haul tobacco smoking. Around 10–15% of cases happen in individuals who have never smoked [2]. These cases are regularly brought about by a mix of genetic factors and introduction to radon gas, asbestos, recycled smoking, or different types of air contamination Lung cancer might be seen on chest radiographs and computed tomography (CT) scans. The conclusion is affirmed by biopsy which is generally performed by bronchoscopy or CT-direction [3].Shirking of danger factors, including smoking and air contamination, is the essential technique for avoidance. Therapy and long haul results rely upon the kind of cancer, the stage (level of spread), and the individual’s general wellbeing. Most cases are not reparable. Normal medicines incorporate medical procedures, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy. NSCLC is here and there treated with surgery, while SCLC typically reacts better to chemotherapy and radiotherapy [4].Worldwide in 2012, lung cancer happened in 1.8 million individuals and brought about 1.6 million passings. This makes it the most widely recognized reason for cancer-related passing in men and second generally basic in ladies after breast cancer. The most widely recognized age at analysis is 70 years. In the United States, five years endurance rate is 19.4% while in Japan it is 41.4%. In developing countries, the average results are worse [5].Lung Cancer typesThe following figure 1 shows the types of lung cancer.