July 18, 2024
Adjustments to climate perturbations -mechanisms, implications, observational constra...
Johannes Quaas, Timothy Andrews, Nicolas Bellouin, et al.
September 13, 2023
Biodiversity and climate extremes: known interactions and research gaps
Miguel D. Mahecha, Ana Bastos, Friedrich Bohn, et al.
July 07, 2021
Absorbing aerosol decreases cloud cover in cloud-resolving simulations over Germany
Fabian Senf, Johannes Quaas, Ina Tegen, et al.
June 17, 2022
Strong ocean/sea-ice contrasts observed in satellite-derived ice crystal number conce...
Iris Papakonstantinou Presvelou, Odran Sourdeval, Johannes Quaas, et al.
July 25, 2020
Substantial climate response outside the target area in an idealized experiment of re...
Sudhakar Dipu, Johannes Quaas, Martin F. Quaas, et al.
December 09, 2019
Bounding aerosol radiative forcing of climate change
Nicolas Bellouin, Johannes Quaas, Ed Gryspeerdt, et al.