Tempei Hashino

and 7 more

The forward simulation of radar reflectivity requires details of clouds and precipitation from general circulation models (GCMs). But such details are represented as sub-grid processes that involve parameterizations and assumptions about the spatial coverage and thus depend on the GCM. In this research, we propose the use of a statistical method to generate sub-grid precipitation for generic use. In addition, the proposed method can be used to provide uncertainty estimates on the signals. The sub-grid variability is obtained from simulation with a global storm-resolving model called NICAM (non-hydrostatic icosahedral atmospheric model). The proposed method first generates precipitation probabilities for the possible scenarios and then sub-grid precipitation rates are generated from the generalized gamma distribution for the given cloud fraction and grid-scale precipitation rates. Compared to the standard method (which neglects the probabilities) that overestimates the precipitation fraction, our method well reproduces the NICAM dataset profiles of both the precipitation fraction and the radar-based cloud fraction. The in-cloud signal frequencies are also reproduced, although less accurately over a tropical region. Inclusion of sub-grid variability in precipitation rates was particularly important for the tropical region to obtain agreement of the precipitation fraction. Application of the two methods to a GCM shows it to have a robust bias for low-level liquid clouds. The proposed method can be used to identify uncertainty in the signals associated with sub-grid variability in the precipitation processes, indicating an effective way to use a global storm-resolving model to evaluate conventional GCMs.

Fredrik Jansson

and 10 more

Small shallow cumulus clouds (< 1 km) over the tropical oceans appear to possess the ability to self-organise into mesoscale (10-100 km) patterns. To better understand the processes leading to such self-organized convection, we present Cloud Botany, an ensemble of 103 large-eddy simulations on domains of 150 km, produced by the Dutch Large Eddy Simulation (DALES) model on supercomputer Fugaku. Each simulation is run in an idealized, fixed, larger-scale environment, controlled by six free parameters. We vary these over characteristic ranges for the winter trades, including parameter combinations observed during the EUREC4A (Elucidating the role of clouds–circulation coupling in climate) field campaign. In contrast to simulation setups striving for maximum realism, Cloud Botany provides a platform for studying idealized, and therefore more clearly interpretable causal relationships between conditions in the larger-scale environment and patterns in mesoscale, self-organized shallow convection. We find that any simulation that supports cumulus clouds eventually develops mesoscale patterns in their cloud fields. We also find a rich variety in these patterns as our control parameters change, including cold pools lined by cloudy arcs, bands of cross-wind clouds and aggregated patches, sometimes topped by thin anvils. Many of these features are similar to cloud patterns found in nature. The published data set consists of raw simulation output on full 3D grids and 2D cross-sections, as well as post-processed quantities aggregated over the vertical (2D), horizontal (1D) and all spatial dimensions (time-series). The data set is directly accessible from Python through the use of the EUREC4A intake catalog.

Satoh Masaki

and 5 more

NICAM (Nonhydrostatic Icosahedral Atmospheric Modeling) has been used to conduct global storm resolving simulations with a mesh size of O(km) over the globe (Satoh, M. et al. 2017). Using the supercomputer “Fugaku”, we explore studies in the following directions: 1. Large-ensemble simulations (1000 members), 2. longer-duration simulations (100 years: HighResMIP; Kodama, C. et al. 2021), 3. higher-resolution simulations (less than a kilometer dx; Miyamoto et al. 2013), 4. high-resolution atmosphere-ocean coupled model simulations (atmosphere 3.5 km × ocean 0.1 deg: NICOCO; Miyakawa, T. et al. 2017), and 5. large ensemble data assimilations with NICAM-LETKF (Yashiro, H. et al. 2020). In this talk, we first review the current activities of NICAM on Fugaku. As the most uncertain component of atmospheric models in general, we intercompared the cloud properties of the DYAMOND simulation data (Stevens, B. et al. 2019; Roh, W. et al. 2021). We found that the domain averaged outgoing long-wave radiation is relatively similar across the models, but the net shortwave radiation at the top of the atmosphere shows significant differences among the models (Figure). The vertical profiles of cloud concentration are widely divergent among models, and cloud water content exhibits larger intermodel differences than cloud ice. This result implies more focused evaluations of clouds are required for improving the global storm resolving models. The forthcoming satellite “EarthCARE” (Illingworth, A. et al. 2015) provides a comprehensive dataset for cloud evaluations of atmospheric models, particularly by the first cloud Doppler radar from space. We present possible strategies for the new era of satellite collaboration studies with global storm resolving models.