Emma Bent

and 2 more

Storms can have a direct impact on sea ice, but whether their effect is seen weeks to months later has received little attention. The immediate and longer term impacts of an idealized open water wind storm are investigated with a one-dimensional coupled ice-ocean model. Storms with different momentum, duration and date of occurrence are tested. During the storm, the mechanical forcing causes a deepening of the mixed layer, leading to an increase in mixed layer heat content, despite a decrease in mixed layer temperature. This results in a delay in sea ice formation that ranges between a few hours to weeks compared to the control run, depending on the storm characteristics. Throughout the freezing period, the storm-induced thick mixed layer experiences little variability, preventing warm water entrainment at the base of the mixed layer. This leads to faster sea ice growth compared to the control run, resulting in sea ice thickness differences of a few millimeters to around 10 cm before the melting onset. These results are stronger for runs with higher momentum storms which cause greater mixed layer deepening. Storms occurring in early August, when the ocean surface heat flux is positive, also amplify the results by forcing a greater increase in mixed layer heat content. The impacts of the storms are sensitive to the initial stratification, and amplified for a highly stratified ocean. We suggest that localized storms could significantly influence the seasonal dynamics of the mixed layer and consequently impact sea ice conditions.

Alexandre Supply

and 6 more

We investigate the Chukchi and the Beaufort seas, where salty and warm Pacific Water flows in from the Bering Strait and interacts with the sea ice, contributing to its summer melt. For the first time, thanks to in-situ measurements recorded by two saildrones deployed during summer 2019 and to refined sea ice filtering in satellite L-Band radiometric data, we demonstrate the ability of satellite Sea Surface Salinity (SSS) observed by SMOS and SMAP to capture SSS freshening induced by sea ice melt, referred to as meltwater lenses (MWL). The largest MWL observed by the saildrones during this period occupied a large part of the Chukchi shelf, with a SSS freshening reaching -5 pss. it persisted for up to one month, to this MWL, induced low SSS pattern which restricted the transfer of air-sea momentum to the upper, as illustrated by measured wind speed and vertical profiles of currents. Combined with satellite-based Sea Surface Temperature, satellite SSS provides a monitoring of the different water masses encountered in the region during summer 2019. Using sea ice concentration and estimated Ekman transport, we analyse the spatial variability of sea surface properties after the sea ice edge retreat over the Chukchi and the Beaufort seas. The two MWL captured by both, the saildrones and the satellite measurements, result from different dynamics. Over the Beaufort Sea, the MWL evolution follows the meridional sea ice retreat, whereas in the Chukchi Sea, a large persisting MWL is generated by advection of a sea ice filament.

Amélie Bouchat

and 17 more

As the sea-ice modeling community is shifting to advanced numerical frameworks, developing new sea-ice rheologies, and increasing model spatial resolution, ubiquitous deformation features in the Arctic sea ice are now being resolved by sea-ice models. Initiated at the Forum for Arctic Modelling and Observational Synthesis (FAMOS), the Sea Ice Rheology Experiment (SIREx) aims at evaluating current state-of-the-art sea-ice models using existing and new metrics to understand how the simulated deformation fields are affected by different representations of sea-ice physics (rheology) and by model configuration. Part I of the SIREx analysis is concerned with evaluation of the statistical distribution and scaling properties of sea-ice deformation fields from 35 different simulations against those from the RADARSAT Geophysical Processor System (RGPS). For the first time, the Viscous-Plastic (and the Elastic-Viscous-Plastic variant), Elastic-Anisotropic-Plastic, and Maxwell-Elasto-Brittle rheologies are compared in a single study. We find that both plastic and brittle sea-ice rheologies have the potential to reproduce the observed RGPS deformation statistics, including multi-fractality. Model configuration (e.g. numerical convergence, atmospheric forcing, spatial resolution) and physical parameterizations (e.g. ice strength parameters and ice thickness distribution) both have effects as important as the choice of sea-ice rheology on the deformation statistics. It is therefore not straightforward to attribute model performance to a specific rheological framework using current deformation metrics. In light of these results, we further evaluate the statistical properties of simulated Linear Kinematic Features (LKFs) in a SIREx Part II companion paper.

Nils Christian Hutter

and 16 more

Anne Marie Treguier

and 6 more

The marginal sea ice zone (MIZ) is a complex interface between the open ocean and the pack ice, where ocean-ice-atmosphere interactions are extremely complex. With a width of about 100 km, similar to the grid size of many climate models, the MIZ is not resolved in CMIP5 climate scenarios. In recent years, coupled climate models have been developed with ocean components at higher resolution, such as the high resolution version of the Met Office Global Coupled Model GC3 based on the GO6 configuration of the ORCA12 1/12° ocean model. We compare the MIZ representation in a coupled simulation with a simulation using the same ocean component forced by observed atmospheric data. Biases in the MIZ position and width are of the same order of magnitude in the coupled and forced model. The sea ice edge is strongly influenced by the ocean circulation and is often found at the wrong location, even when an observed atmospheric state is used to force the model. Despite a possible mismatch between atmosphere and ice/ocean in the forced model, due to the absence of feedback between sea ice and atmospheric temperature, surface heat fluxes in the MIZ are similar in amplitude in the coupled and forced simulations.  Our analysis focuses on the Greenland Sea because it is region of deep water formation, a major control of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation and thus very important for climate scenarios. The strong interannual variability of sea ice in the Greenland Sea is examplified by the Odden tongue, a protrusion of sea ice extending northeastward away from the Greenland continental slope. The coupled model exhibits such interannual variability, with a sea ice concentration larger than observed on average. The relationship between atmosphere, ice concentration and mixed layer depth is analyzed to assess the performance of both coupled and forced 1/12° models to represent deep water formation in the Nordic seas.