Joachim Birn

and 3 more

Using three-dimensional MHD simulations, we explore the stability of magnetotail configurations that include a local enhancement of $B_z$ (a “$B_z$ hump”). We focus on configurations that were previously found to be unstable in 2-D, neglecting cross-tail ($y$) variations as well as a cross-tail magnetic field component $B_y$.\, but approached final 2-D stable states. Not surprisingly, the 2-D unstable configurations were also found unstable in 3-D, developing 3-D structure after an initial rise as in 2-D. This is consistent with the fact that the selected $B_z$ hump configurations are characterized also by a local tailward decrease of field line entropy, which has been found to govern ballooning/interchange (B/I) instability \cite{schi04}. The evolution of the maximum electric field of the unstable 3-D modes showed an early exponential growth, which was only modestly faster than the 2-D mode. This might suggest that the unstable ballooning regime extends from $k_y \to \infty$ (proper ballooning modes) over finite $k_y$ even to $k_y \to 0$, at least for some equilibria. When the 3-D modes had evolved they grew significantly faster than the 2-D modes. This was associated with an evolution into several narrow beams. The 3-D modes did not approach stable final configurations. The final 2-D stable configurations approached from the unstable ones were found to be unstable in 3-D. These findings are again consistent with the fact that the 2-D evolution, governed by ideal MHD, did not alter the characteristics of the entropy function.

Mikhail I. Sitnov

and 1 more

Statistical and case studies, as well as data-mining reconstructions suggest that the magnetotail current in the substorm growth phase has a multiscale structure with a thin ion-scale current sheet embedded into a much thicker sheet. This multiscale structure may be critically important for the tail stability and onset conditions for magnetospheric substorms. The observed thin current sheets are found to be too long to be explained by the models with isotropic plasmas. At the same time, plasma observations reveal only weak field-aligned anisotropy of the ion species, whereas the anisotropic electron contribution is insufficient to explain the force balance discrepancy. Here we elaborate a selfconsistent equilibrium theory of multiscale current sheets, which differs from conventional isotropic models by weak ion anisotropy outside the sheet and agyrotropy caused by quasi-adiabatic ion orbits inside the sheet. It is shown that, in spite of weak anisotropy, the current density perturbation may be quite strong and localized on the scale of the figure-of-eight ion orbits. The magnetic field, current and plasma density in the limit of weak field-aligned ion anisotropy and strong current sheet embedding, when the ion scale thin current sheet is nested in a much thicker Harris-like current sheet, are investigated and presented in an analytical form making it possible to describe the multiscale equilibrium in sharply stretched 2-D magnetic field configurations and to use it in kinetic simulations and stability analysis.

Harry Arnold

and 5 more

Recent advances in reconstructing Earth’s magnetic field and associated currents by utilizing data mining of in situ magnetometer observations in the magnetosphere have proven remarkably accurate at reproducing observed ion diffusion regions. We investigate the effect of placing regions of localized resistivity in global simulations of the magnetosphere at specific locations inspired by the data mining results for the substorm occurring on July 6, 2017. When explicit resistivity is included, the simulation forms an x-line at the same time and location as the MMS observation of an ion diffusion region at 15:35 UT on that day. Without this explicit resistivity, reconnection forms later in the substorm and far too close to Earth ($\gtrsim-15R_E$), a common problem with global simulations of Earth’s magnetosphere. A consequence of reconnection taking place farther down the tail due to localized resistivity is that the reconnection outflows transport magnetic flux Earthward and thus prevent the current sheet from thinning enough for reconnection to take place nearer Earth. As these flows rebound tailward from the inner magnetosphere, they can temporarily and locally (in the dawn-dusk direction) stretch the magnetic field allowing for small scale x-lines to form in the near Earth region. Due to the narrow cross-tail extent of these x-lines ($\lesssim5R_E$) and their short lifespan ($\lesssim5$min), they would be difficult to observe with in situ measurements. Future work will explore time-dependent resistivity using 5 minute cadence data mining reconstructions.