Amanda Barroso

and 4 more

Storm surge events are a key driver of widespread flooding, particularly when combined with astronomical tides superimposed on mean sea level (MSL). Coastal storms exhibit seasonal variability which translates into a seasonal cycle in storm surge activity. It has been demonstrated before that the seasonal cycle shows significant interannual variations including possible long-term trends. Understanding these changes is critical as both changes in the amplitude and the phase of their seasonal cycle may alter the compound flood potential. Changes in the seasonal storm surge cycle and the compounding with the MSL cycle remain largely unknown. A comprehensive analysis of the storm surge seasonal cycle and its links to the MSL seasonal cycle is performed using tide gauge observations from a quasi-global dataset. Harmonic analysis is used to assess the mean and changing storm surge seasonal cycles over time. Extreme value analysis is applied to explore the effect of seasonal changes on storm surge return levels. We also quantify the influence of large-scale climate modes, and we compare how the seasonalities of storm surge and MSL have changed relative to each other. The peak of the storm surge cycle typically occurs during winter for tide gauges outside of tropical cyclone regions, where there is greater variability in the phase of the storm surge cycle. The timing of the peak varied by more than a month at 21% of the tide gauges analyzed. The MSL and storm surge cycles peaked at least once within 30 days at 74% of tide gauges.
High-tide flooding—minor, disruptive coastal inundation—is expected to become more frequent as sea levels rise. However, quantifying just how quickly high-tide flooding rates are changing, and whether some places experience more high-tide flooding than others, is challenging. To quantify trends in high-tide flooding from tide-gauge observations, flood thresholds—elevations above which flooding begins—must be specified. Past studies of high-tide flooding in the United States have used different datasets and approaches for specifying flood thresholds, only some of which directly relate to coastal impacts, which has lead to sometimes conflicting and ambiguous results. Here we present a novel method for quantifying, with uncertainty, high-tide flooding thresholds along the United States coast based on sparsely available impacts-based flood thresholds. We use those newly modeled thresholds to make an updated assessment of changes in high-tide flooding across the United States over the past few decades. From 1990–2000 to 2010–2020, high-tide flooding rates almost certainly (probability $P>99\%$) increased along the United States East Coast, Gulf Coast, California, and Pacific Islands, while they very likely ($P=93\%$) decreased along Alaska during that time; significant changes in high-tide flooding rates between the two decades were not detected in Oregon, Washington, and the Caribbean. Averaging spatially, we find that high-tide flooding rates probably ($P=85\%$) more than doubled nationally between 1990–2000 and 2010–2020. Our approach lays a foundation for future studies to more accurately model high-tide flood thresholds and trends along the global coastline.

Ian Wesley Bolliger

and 18 more

Recent advances in modeling 21st-century sea level rise (SLR) and its associated societal outcomes have demonstrated that the spatial pattern of SLR combined with highly variable population density along global coastlines exert a strong control on its impacts. Here, we extend this research by examining differential costs arising from two sources of SLR that exhibit distinct spatial ”fingerprints” - mass flux from the Antarctic (AIS) and Greenland (GrIS) Ice Sheets. To do this, we employ the DSCIM-Coastal data and modeling platform to quantify flood extents and population exposure to inundation from sea level changes associated with an ensemble of Ice Sheet Model Intercomparison Product projections between 2015 and 2100 CE. We also introduce the Social Cost of Ice Sheet Melt (SC-ISM) metric and calculate this for both AIS and GrIS melt scenarios. Due to the distinct sea level fingerprints of the two ice sheets, we find that mass flux from the AIS floods a larger area and would inundate a greater (present-day) population than an equivalent mass flux from the GrIS and yields a substantially higher SC-ISM. Across a suite of future climate scenarios, the SC-ISM associated with AIS melt is ~30% higher than that of GrIS, driven largely by differential SLR rates along the North Atlantic coastline. However, for either source, SC-ISM normalized by local GDP shows strongly disproportionate impacts, with low-income regions experiencing a significantly greater economic burden than high-income regions.