Zhe Feng

and 17 more

Global kilometer-scale models are the future of Earth system models as they can explicitly simulate organized convective storms and their associated extreme weather. Here, we comprehensively examined tropical mesoscale convective system (MCS) characteristics in the DYAMOND (DYnamics of the atmospheric general circulation modeled on non-hydrostatic domains) models for both summer and winter phases by applying eight different feature trackers to the simulations and satellite observations. Although different trackers produce substantial differences (a factor of 2-3) in observed MCS frequency and their contribution to total precipitation, model-observation differences in MCS statistics are more consistent among the trackers. DYAMOND models are generally skillful in simulating tropical mean MCS frequency, with multi-model mean biases of 2.9% over land and -0.5% over ocean. However, most models underestimate the MCS precipitation amount (23%) and their contribution to total precipitation (17%) relative to observations. These biases show large inter-model variability, but are generally smaller over land (13%) than over ocean (21%) on average. MCS diurnal cycle and cloud shield characteristics are better simulated than precipitation. Most models overestimate MCS precipitation intensity and underestimate stratiform rain contribution (up to a factor of 2), particularly over land. Models also predict a wide range of precipitable water in the tropics compared to reanalysis and satellite observations, and many models simulate a greater sensitivity of MCS precipitation intensity to precipitable water. The MCS metrics developed in this work provide process-oriented diagnostics for future model development efforts.

Ran Feng

and 3 more

Three new equilibrium Mid-Pliocene (MP) simulations are implemented with the Community Climate System Model version 4 (CCSM4), Community Earth System Model version 1.2 (CESM1.2), and 2 (CESM2). All simulations are carried out with the same boundary and forcing conditions following the protocol of Pliocene Model Intercomparison Project Phase 2. These simulations reveal amplified MP climate change relative to preindustrial going from CCSM4 to CESM2, seen in global mean and polar amplification of surface warming, sea ice reduction in both Arctic and Antarctic, and weakened Hadley circulation. The enhanced global mean warming arises from both enhanced Earth System Sensitivity (ESS) and Equilibrium Climate Sensitivity (ECS) to CO forcing. ESS is amplified by up to 70% in CCSM4, and up to 100% in CESM1.2 and CESM2 relative to ECSs of respective models. Simulations also agree on the strengthened Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation, but disagree on several other climate metrics. Compared to preindustrial, CCSM4 features small increase in both low and high cloud cover and no change in the mean climate state of the equatorial Pacific. Whereas, both CESM1.2 and 2 show reduction of cloud cover at all heights, and an anomalous El Niño-like state of the equatorial Pacific. The performances of MP simulations are assessed with a new compilation of paleo-observations of sea surface temperature (SST). CESM1.2 and 2 show better skills than CCSM4 in simulating MP global mean warming and amplified SST warming in the northern middle and high latitudes, supporting the amplified ESS compared to the CCSM4.

Margot Cramwinckel

and 21 more

Earth’s hydrological cycle is expected to intensify in response to global warming, with a ‘wet-gets-wetter, dry-gets-drier’ response anticipated. The subtropics (~15-30°N/S) are predicted to become drier, yet proxy evidence from past warm climates suggests these regions may be characterised by wetter conditions. Here we use an integrated data-modelling approach to reconstruct global- and regional-scale rainfall patterns during the early Eocene (~48-56 million years ago), with an emphasis on the subtropics. Model-derived precipitation–evaporation (P–E) estimates in the tropics (0-15° N/S) and high latitudes (>60° N/S) are positive and increase in response to higher temperatures, whereas model-derived P–E estimates in the subtropics (15-30° N/S) are negative and decrease in response to higher temperatures. This is consistent with a ‘wet-gets-wetter, dry-gets-drier’ response. However, some DeepMIP model simulations predict increasing – rather than decreasing – subtropical precipitation at higher temperatures (e.g., CESM, GFDL). Using moisture budget diagnostics we find that the models with higher subtropical precipitation are characterised by a reduction in the strength of subtropical moisture circulation due to weaker meridional temperature gradients. These model simulations (e.g., CESM, GFDL) agree more closely with various proxy-derived climate metrics and imply a reduction in the strength of subtropical moisture circulation during the early Eocene. Although this was insufficient to induce subtropical wetting, if the meridional temperature was weaker than suggested by the DeepMIP models, this may have led to wetter subtropics. This highlights the important role of the meridional temperature gradient when predicting past (and future) rainfall patterns.