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Nora Fried

and 8 more

Transformation of light to dense waters by atmospheric cooling is key to the Atlantic Meridional Overturning in the Subpolar Gyre. Convection in the center of the Irminger Gyre determines the transformation of the densest waters east of Greenland. We present a 19-year (2002-2020) weekly time series of hydrography and convection in the central Irminger Sea based on (bi-)daily mooring profiles supplemented with Argo profiles. A 70-year annual time series of shipboard hydrography shows that this mooring period is representative of longer term variability. The depth of convection varies strongly from winter to winter (288-1500 dbar), with a mean March climatogical mixed layer depth of 470 dbar and a mean maximum density reached of 27.70 ± 0.05 kg m-3. The densification of the water column by local convection directly impacts the sea surface height in the center of the Irminger Gyre and thus large-scale circulation patterns. Both the observations and a Price-Weller-Pinkel (PWP) mixed layer model analysis show that the main cause of interannual variability in mixed layer depth is the strength of the winter atmospheric surface forcing. Its role is three times as important as that of the strength of the maximum stratification in the preceeding summer. Strong stratification as a result of a fresh surface anomaly similar to the one observed in 2010 can weaken convection by approximately 170 m on average, but changes in surface forcing will need to be taken into account as well when considering the evolution of Irminger Sea convection under climate change.
Global Earth system model simulations of ocean carbon export flux are commonly interpreted only at a fixed depth horizon of 100-m, despite the fact that the maximum annual mixed layer depth (MLDmax) is a more appropriate depth horizon to evaluate export-driven carbon sequestration. We compare particulate organic carbon (POC) flux and export efficiency (e-ratio) evaluated at both the MLDmax and 100-m depth horizons, simulated for the 21st century (2005-2100) under the RCP8.5 climate change scenario with the Biogeochemical Elemental Cycle model embedded in the Community Earth System Model (CESM1-BEC). These two depth horizon choices produce differing baseline global rates and spatial patterns of POC flux and e-ratio, with the greatest discrepancies found in regions with deep winter mixing. Over the 21st century, enhanced stratification reduces the depth of MLDmax, with the most pronounced reductions in regions that currently experience the deepest winter mixing. Simulated global mean decreases in POC flux and in e-ratio over the 21st century are similar for both depth horizons (8-9% for POC flux and 4-6% for e-ratio), yet the spatial patterns of change are quite different. The model simulates less pronounced decreases and even increases in POC flux and e-ratio in deep winter mixing regions when evaluated at MLDmax, since enhanced stratification over the 21st century shoals the depth of this horizon. The differing spatial patterns of change across these two depth horizons demonstrate the importance of including multiple export depth horizons in observational and modeling efforts to monitor and predict potential future changes to export.

Sophie Clayton

and 3 more

The Kuroshio current separates from the Japanese coast to become the Kuroshio Extension (KE) characterized by a strong latitudinal density front, high levels of mesoscale (eddy) energy, and high chlorophyll (CHL). Recent work has also shown that the KE carries subsurface nutrients into the region horizontally. While satellite measurements of CHL show evidence of the impact of eddies on the standing stock of phytoplankton, there have been very limited in situ estimates of productivity over synoptic scales in this region. Here, we present highly spatially resolved estimates of net community production (NCP) for the KE region derived from underway O2/Ar measurements made in spring, summer, and early autumn. We find large seasonal differences in the relationships between NCP, CHL, and sea level anomaly (SLA, a proxy for local thermocline depth deviations driven by mesoscale eddies). The KE front is a pronounced hotspot of NCP in spring when NCP is almost completely decorrelated with CHL. Conversely, we find that NCP and CHL are strongly correlated in summer away from the front. We explore the mechanistic underpinnings of the relationship between NCP and CHL and suggest that the KE nutrient stream as well as vertical motions associated with mesoscale eddies might be a key factor in supporting an NCP hotspot that is seasonally decoupled from CHL at the KE front. Our observations also highlight seasonal and regional (de)coupling between NCP and CHL which may impact the accuracy of CHL-based estimates of productivity.