Pouriya Alinaghi

and 4 more

Recent observations of the trade-wind regions highlight the covariability between cold-pool properties and mesoscale cloud organization. Given the covariability of organization with cloud cover and albedo, this suggests a potential impact of cold pools on the cloud radiative effect (CRE). To explore this, we use an ensemble of 103 large-domain, high-resolution, large-eddy simulations and investigate how the variability in cold pools is determined by large-scale external cloud-controlling factors (CCFs) and shaped by processes within the mesoscale. It is demonstrated that the size and frequency of occurrence of cold pools are strongly influenced by the near-surface horizontal wind speed and large-scale subsidence. The temporal evolution of cold pools is strongly correlated with the diurnality in radiation. Even without external variability, we find a strong intermittent behaviour in the evolution of cold pools, governed by a complex interplay between cold pools and clouds which expresses itself in the form of shallow squall lines. These squall lines result from precipitating downdrafts, cold pool outflows and the resulting gust fronts, reinforcing parent clouds. Cold pools influence the CRE of trade cumuli, but only when they exist during the day. This emphasizes the importance of the synchronization between cold-pool events and the diurnal cycle of insolation for the dependence of the CRE on cold pools.[A revised, peer-reviewed version of this work is now published in the Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems here: https://doi.org/10.1029/2024MS004540]

Fredrik Jansson

and 10 more

Small shallow cumulus clouds (< 1 km) over the tropical oceans appear to possess the ability to self-organise into mesoscale (10-100 km) patterns. To better understand the processes leading to such self-organized convection, we present Cloud Botany, an ensemble of 103 large-eddy simulations on domains of 150 km, produced by the Dutch Large Eddy Simulation (DALES) model on supercomputer Fugaku. Each simulation is run in an idealized, fixed, larger-scale environment, controlled by six free parameters. We vary these over characteristic ranges for the winter trades, including parameter combinations observed during the EUREC4A (Elucidating the role of clouds–circulation coupling in climate) field campaign. In contrast to simulation setups striving for maximum realism, Cloud Botany provides a platform for studying idealized, and therefore more clearly interpretable causal relationships between conditions in the larger-scale environment and patterns in mesoscale, self-organized shallow convection. We find that any simulation that supports cumulus clouds eventually develops mesoscale patterns in their cloud fields. We also find a rich variety in these patterns as our control parameters change, including cold pools lined by cloudy arcs, bands of cross-wind clouds and aggregated patches, sometimes topped by thin anvils. Many of these features are similar to cloud patterns found in nature. The published data set consists of raw simulation output on full 3D grids and 2D cross-sections, as well as post-processed quantities aggregated over the vertical (2D), horizontal (1D) and all spatial dimensions (time-series). The data set is directly accessible from Python through the use of the EUREC4A intake catalog.

Stephan R De Roode

and 3 more

The vertical profiles of the wind speed and direction in atmospheric boundary layers are strongly controlled by turbulent friction. Some global weather forecast and climate models parameterize the turbulent momentum fluxes by means of a downgradient eddy diffusion approach, in which the same stability-dependent eddy viscosity profile is applied to both horizontal wind components. In the present study we diagnose eddy viscosity profiles from large-eddy simulations of a stable, a neutral and six convective boundary layers. Each simulation was forced by the same geostrophic wind of 15 ms$^{-1}$, but with a different surface heat flux. The stably stratified boundary layer sustains the largest friction and largest ageostrophic wind turning, due to its shallow depth, which leads to a steep slope (large vertical divergence) of the momentum fluxes. For convective cases we find that the eddy viscosity profiles for the two horizontal wind components are very different, in particular, we find negative eddy viscosities for the cross-isobaric wind component, indicating that its turbulent transport is counter the mean gradient. This implies that a purely downgradient diffusion approach for turbulent momentum fluxes is inadequate. To assess the consequence of applying an anisotropic diffusion approach, a modified solution of the Ekman spiral is presented. It is found that an anisotropic diffusion approach allows for a different vertical profile of the wind in terms of the height of maximum wind speed and the turning of the wind.